sábado, 7 de abril de 2007

sa.nskR^ita shabdArtha 4

sa.nnyasta = one who has renounced\\
sa.nnyasya = giving up completely\\
sa.nnyaasa = of renunciation\\
sa.nnyaasaM = renunciation\\
sa.nnyaasaH = renunciation of work\\
sa.nnyaasanaat.h = by renunciation\\
sa.nnyaasasya = of renunciation\\
sa.nnyaasii = renouncer\\
sa.nnyaasiinaaM = for the renounced order\\
sa.nnyaasena = by the renounced order of life\\
saMparka = contact\\
saMpashyan.h = (pr.participle) looking at\\
saMpuurNa = total\\
saMpuurNam.h = complete, finis, over\\
saMpraapte = ( when you have) reached/obtained\\
saMpraapnoti = attains\\
saMbandha = relationship\\
saMbhaavanaamaatreNa = by honouring (with gifts) alone\\
saMmaarjayati = to clean, to wash, to wipe\\
saMmishraNaM = mixed\\
sa.nyata = controlled\\
sa.nyama = dharana, dhyana and samadhi taken together\\
sa.nyamataaM = of all regulators\\
sa.nyaminaH = tamed or self-denying like that of a hermit\\
sa.nyamii = the self-controlled\\
sa.nyamya = keeping under control\\
sa.nyaati = verily accepts\\
sa.nyaavaH = (m) haluwa, sweet-dish\\
sa.nyuktaaH = engaged\\
sa.nyujaa = valency\\
sa.nyogaM = connection\\
sa.nyogaat.h = by the union between\\
sa.nyojayati = to thread (i.e. pass a thread through the eye of a needle)\\
sa.nrachanaa = structure\\
sa.nlagna = adjacent, next to each other, close\\
sa.nlekhaH = (m) instrument (financial)\\
sa.nvatsara = Designated year, 60 in number and change cyclically\\
sa.nvaada = (m) conversation , dialouge\\
sa.nvaadaM = conversation\\
sa.nvigna = distressed\\
sa.nvidaakaaraH = (m) contractor\\
sa.nvR^ittaH = settled\\
sa.nshaya = doubt\\
sa.nshayaM = doubts\\
sa.nshayaH = doubt\\
sa.nshayasya = of the doubt\\
sa.nshitavrataaH = taken to strict vows\\
sa.nshuddha = washed off\\
sa.nshuddhiH = purification\\
sa.nshodhana = research\\
sa.nshodhanam.h = (n) research, discovery\\
sa.nshritaaH = having taken shelter of\\
sa.nsarga = company\\
sa.nsaadhanam = (n) resource\\
sa.nsaara = world\\
sa.nsaaraH = world/family\\
sa.nsaaraat.h = fromthe world\\
sa.nsaariNo = ordinary family man\\
sa.nsaare = world\\
sa.nsaareshhu = into the ocean of material existence\\
sa.nsiddhaH = he who is mature\\
sa.nsiddhiM = in perfection\\
sa.nsiddhau = for perfection\\
sa.nskaara = impression, conditioning\\
sa.nskaaraaH = (Masc.Nom.Pl.) prescribed ritual duties(16?)\\
sa.nskR^it.h = Sanskrit\\
sa.nskR^ita = refined\\
sa.nskR^itashikshaNaM = learning of Sanskrit\\
sa.nskR^iti = culture\\
sa.nstabhya = by steadying\\
sa.nsthaa = (f) institution\\
sa.nsthaanaM = (n) institute\\
sa.nsthaapanaarthaaya = to reestablish\\
sa.nsparshajaaH = by contact with the material senses\\
sa.nsparshana = (neut) contact\\
sa.nsmR^itya = remembering\\
sa.nharate = winds up\\
sa.nhaara = destroy (take away)\\
sa.nhaaraH = (m) slaughter, destruction\\
sa.nhita = sandhi : the phonetic combination of words in sanskrit\\
sa.nhitaa = (f) code\\
sa.nhitaasa.ndhiH = sa.nhitaa+sandhiH joined together?\\
sa.nhR^i = to completely destroy\\
sa.nhR^ishhTa = (adj) happy\\
sa.nGYake = which is called\\
sa.nGYaarthaM = for information\\
sa.nGYitaM = in the matter of\\
sa.nGYitaH = is called\\
sa.nGYaiH = named\\
saH = He\\
sakala = the entire\\
sakalaani = all\\
sakalaapadaam.h = all dangers'\\
sakaaraNam.h = with reason\\
sakaasha = company\\
sakR^it.h = (ind) once\\
sakR^idapi = once even\\
sakta = attached\\
saktaM = attached\\
saktaH = attached, engrossed, absorbed\\
saktah = capable of\\
saktaaH = being attached\\
sakthinii = pivotal region?\\
sakhaa = friend\\
sakhi = friend\\
sakhiin.h = friends\\
sakhaiva = like a friend\\
sakhyuH = with a friend\\
sagadgadaM = with a faltering voice\\
saN^kaTaasana = the dangerous posture\\
saN^karaH = such unwanted children\\
saN^karasya = of unwanted population\\
saN^kalanam.h = (n) addition\\
saN^kalpa = determination\\
saN^kalpaH = (m) decision, resolution, plan\\
saN^kuchit.h = (adj) limited, narrow\\
saN^keta = indication\\
saN^ketaH = (m) address, information\\
saN^kramaNa = concurrence, coming together\\
saN^kraanti = the festival of makara sankraant\\
saN^khyaa = (f) number, count\\
saN^khye = in the battlefield\\
saN^ga = togetherness, closeness\\
saN^gaM = attachment\\
saN^gaH = attachment\\
saN^gaNaka = computer\\
saN^garataH = indulging in good company\\
saN^garahitaM = without attachment\\
saN^gavivarjitaH = free from all association\\
saN^gaviihinaH = bereft of company\\
saN^gaat.h = from attachment\\
saN^giita = music\\
saN^giitakam.h = (n) a music concert\\
saN^ge = in the company\\
saN^gena = by association\\
saN^graama = battle, battlefield\\
saN^gha = group, organisation, gathering\\
saN^ghaTita = united\\
saN^ghaaH = the assemblies\\
saN^ghaataH = the aggregate\\
saN^ghaiH = the groups\\
sachanta = to accompany, procure\\
sachiva = (m) minister\\
sachivaH = (m) secretary\\
sachetaaH = in my consciousness\\
sachchhabdaH = the sound sat\\
sajala = With water\\
sajja = adorned, equipped\\
sajjate = becomes attached\\
sajjana = good man\\
sajjante = they become engaged\\
saJNchaya = collection\\
saJNchayaan.h = accumulation\\
saJNchikaa = (f) file\\
saJNchhinna = cut\\
saJNjanayan.h = increasing\\
saJNjaya = O Sanjaya\\
saJNjayati = binds\\
saJNjaayate = develops\\
saJNjiivanii = a life-restoring elixir or herb\\
saNghaTana = organisation, unity\\
sat.h = a good man\\
sat.hchit.haananda = bliss consciousness\\
sataH = of the eternal\\
satata = always\\
satataM = always\\
satatayuktaanaaM = always engaged\\
sataaM = of saintly people\\
sati = being\\
satii = Sati\\
satkaara = respect\\
satkaarya = good or useful work particularly helpful to many\\
sattva = inner strength\\
sattvaM = the strength\\
sattvavataM = of the strong\\
sattvasa.nshuddhiH = purification of one's existence\\
sattvasthaaH = those situated in the mode of goodness\\
sattvaat.h = from the mode of goodness\\
sattvaanaaM = good beings'\\
sattvaanuruupaa = according to the existence\\
sattve = the mode of goodness\\
satpurushha = good man\\
satya = Truth\\
satyaM = Truth\\
satyameva = Truth alone\\
satyasa.ndhaM = the one bound by Truth\\
satyasya = of truth\\
satraM = (n) session\\
satsaN^gatve = in good company\\
sad.hbhave = in the sense of the nature of the Supreme\\
sadaya = compassionate\\
sadasat.h = to cause and effect\\
sadaa = always\\
sadaachaar = good conduct / behaviour\\
sadaananda = ever joyous\\
sadaashiva = a form of Shiva\\
sadupayoga = correct or right use derived from sat.h + upayoga\\
sadR^isha = (adj) similar, looking like\\
sadR^ishaM = accordingly\\
sadR^ishaH = like\\
sadR^ishii = like that\\
sadaiva = always\\
sadodita = always, constant\\
sadoshhaM = with fault\\
sadgamaya = sat.h and gamaya: Truth and lead(causal of 'go')\\
sadbuddhiM = sat.h+buddhiM, good+awareness(loosely speaking:mind)\\
sadyaH = instantly\\
sadyah = immediately\\
san.h = being so\\
sanaatana = ancient\\
sanaatanaM = eternal atmosphere\\
sanaatanaH = eternally the same\\
sanaatanaaH = eternal\\
sankalpamastu = saMkalpaM + astu:resolution + let there be\\
santaH = the devotees\\
santata = repeated\\
santatagamana = unbroken togetherness\\
santapta = burning\\
santarishhyasi = you will cross completely\\
santaaH = are respected\\
santaapa = harrasment\\
santi = there are\\
santushhTa = satisfied\\
santushhTaH = perfectly satiated\\
santosha = satisfaction\\
santoshha = satisfaction\\
sandarbha = reference\\
sandR^ishyante = are seen\\
sandesha = message\\
sandehaH = (m) doubt\\
sandhi = The junctional point of two consecutive bhaavas\\
sandhiikaala = twilight (both morning and evening time)\\
sannaddhaH = fully armed, prepared\\
sannibhaani = as if\\
sanniyamya = controlling\\
sannivishhTaH = situated\\
sannihite = (in the) presence/nearness of\\
sapatnaan.h = enemies\\
sapta = seven\\
saptavarga = Seven Vargas a sequence of varga or harmonic charts. Consists of Rashi, Hora, Drekkana, navaa.nsha, dvaadasha.nsha, tri.nshaa.nsha and Saptaa.nsha\\
saptaa.nsha = A varga. The harmonic Seventh Division. Used for delineations of Children and Grandchildren and one's creative projections\\
saphala = fruitful\\
sabaandhavaan.h = along with friends\\
sabhaa = assembly\\
sabhaasada = literally one who sits in the assembly\\
sama = Equal\\
samaM = in equanimity\\
sama.ntaat.h = from all around\\
samaH = equipoised\\
samakonaasana = the sideways leg-splits posture\\
samagraM = in total\\
samagraan.h = all\\
samaghanataa = isodensity\\
samachittaH = equal-minded/equanimity\\
samachittatvaM = equilibrium\\
samachumbakashiila = isoclinic\\
samatala = Level surface\\
samataa = equilibrium\\
samatitya = transcending\\
samatiitaani = completely past\\
samatola = equillibrium\\
samatvaM = equanimity\\
samada = furious\\
samadarshanaH = seeing equally\\
samadarshinaH = who see with equal vision\\
samadhigachchhati = attains\\
samantataH = from all sides\\
samantaat.h = everywhere\\
samanvayaH = (m) co-ordination\\
samanvitaH = qualified\\
samapratidravya = isoantibody\\
samabaahyaaN^ga = isocortex\\
samabuddhayaH = equally disposed\\
samabuddhiH = having equal intelligence\\
samabhaara = isobaric\\
samabhaarattva = isobarism\\
samabhaarika = isobar\\
samabhujiiya = (adj) equilateral\\
samamuulyataa = equivalence\\
samaya = time\\
samarchaa = well worshipped\\
samavarNika = isochromatic\\
samavartataagre = was there before\\
samavasthitaM = equally situated\\
samavaayaH = (m) company\\
samavilopii = isobestic\\
samavR^ittii = prANayAma with equally long inhalation, exhalation, suspension\\
samavetaaH = assembled\\
samavetaan.h = assembled\\
samavyaasika = isodiametric\\
samasa.nlagnaka = isoagglutinative\\
samasa.nlagnataa = isoagglutination\\
samasa.nlagnattva = isoagglutinin\\
samasta = all\\
samastaM = entire\\
samastaaH = all; the entire\\
samasthitii = standing still\\
samaaH = like\\
samaakula = (adj) confused, bewildered\\
samaagataaH = assembled\\
samaachara = do perfectly\\
samaacharan.h = practicing\\
samaaja = Society\\
samaajatantra = democratic\\
samaajavaada = socialism\\
samaajasevaa = social service benefiting society\\
samaadhaatuM = to fix\\
samaadhaaya = fixing\\
samaadhinaa = by complete absorption\\
samaadhividhaana = in the state of trance\\
samaadhisthasya = of one situated in trance\\samaadhii = state where the aspirant is one with the object of his meditation\\
samaadhau = in the controlled mind\\
samaana = identical, likeness, comparable\\
samaanaaH = (Masc.nom.pl) are equal\\
samaaptam.h = is complete or over\\
samaapnoshhi = You cover\\
samaayuktaH = keeping in balance\\
samaarambhaaH = attempts\\
samaaroha = programme\\
samaarohaH = (m) function\\
samaavishhTaH = absorbed\\
samaavR^itaH = covered\\
samaasa = compound word\\
samaasataH = in summary\\
samaasena = in summary\\
samaahartuM = in destroying\\
samaahita = (adj) content, satisfied\\
samaahitaH = approached completely\\
samitiJNjayaH = always victorious in battle\\
samitii = committee\\
samiddhaH = blazing\\
samiikaraH = (m) electric iron\\
samiikaraNa = equation\\
samiipastha = (standing) nearby\\
samiipe = (adv) near\\
samiikSh.h = to examine\\
samiikShya = after seeing\\
samutthena = arisen from\\
samutpanna = arisen\\
samudaaya = assembled crowd\\
samudaayaH = (m) community\\
samudita = (adj) flourishing\\
samuddhartaa = the deliverer\\
samudbhavaM = directly manifested\\
samudbhavaH = born of\\
samudbhavaan.h = produced of\\
samudyame = in the attempt\\
samudra = sea\\
samudraparyantaa = bounded by ocean\\
samudraM = the ocean\\
samudreshhuu = among the oceans\\
samunnati = prosperity\\
samupavR^it.h = Thus\\
samupasthita = present\\
samupasthitaM = present\\
samupaashritaH = having taken shelter of\\
samuha = (m) group\\
samuhe = in group\\
samuuha = (m) a multitude, crowd\\
samR^iddha = with full\\
samR^iddhaM = flourishing\\
samR^iddhavegaH = with full speed\\
same = in equanimity\\
sametaM = come together with\\
samau = in suspension\\
sampat.h = assets\\
sampatti = prosperity\\
sampadaM = assets\\
sampadyate = he attains\\
sampanna = endowed with\\
sampanne = fully equipped\\
samparka = contact\\
sampashyan.h = considering\\
sampaadaka = (m) editor\\
sampaadakaH = (m) editor\\
sampaadana = editting\\
sampaadikaa = (f) editor\\
sampiiDakaH = (m) compressor\\
sampushhTiH = (f) corroboration\\
sampuurNa = full\\
samprakiirtitaH = is declared\\
sampratishhThaa = the foundation\\
samprapad.h = to become\\
sampravR^ittaani = although developed\\
samprekShya = looking\\
samplutodake = in a great reservoir of water\\
sambandha = Full relationship between planets\\
sambandhinaH = relatives\\
sambhava = birth\\
sambhavaM = born of\\
sambhavaH = production\\
sambhavati = occur, arise\\
sambhavanti = they appear\\
sambhavaaH = produced of\\
sambhavaan.h = produced of\\
sambhavaami = I do incarnate\\
sambhaavitasya = for a respectable man\\
sambhuutaM = arisen kim\\
sammarjanii = (f) broom\\
sammuuDha = bewildered\\
sammuuDhaaH = befooled by material identification\\
sammelanaM = (n) conference\\
sammohaM = into delusion\\
sammohaH = perfect illusion\\
sammohaat.h = from illusion\\
samyak.h = proper\\
samyaggraahayitvaa = well+captured\\
saraH = (neut) lake\\
sarati = (1 pp) to go\\
sarala = straight, candid\\
saras.h = lake\\
sarasa = Excellent\\
sarasaaM = of all reservoirs of water\\
sarasaangayashhthii = she whose body is like a (lean)stick\\
sarasvati = goddess of speech and learning\\
saritaa = (f) river\\
saroja = lotus ( one that is born in a lake)\\
sarovaram.h = (n) lake\\
sargaH = birth and death\\
sargaaNaaM = of all creations\\
sarge = while taking birth\\
sarge.api = even in the creation\\
sarpa = snake\\
sarpaaNaaM = of serpents\\
sarva = all\\
sarvaM = all\\
sarvaH = all\\
sarvakarma = of all activities\\
sarvakarmaaNi= all reactions to material activities\\
sarvakaaraH = (m) coalition\\
sarvagataM = all-pervading\\
sarvagataH = all-pervading\\
sarvaguhyatamaM = the most confidential of all\\
sarvajagat.h = the eentire world\\
sarvataH = on/from all sides (indecl)\\
sarvato = from all (sides)\\
sarvatra = everywhere\\
sarvatragaM = all-pervading\\
sarvatragaH = blowing everywhere\\
sarvathaa = in all respects\\
sarvadaa = always\\
sarvadehinaaM = of all embodied beings\\
sarvadvaaraaNi = all the doors of the body\\
sarvadvaareshhu = in all the gates\\
sarvadhanushhmataam.h = of all shooters (bow, arrow carriers)\\
sarvadharmaan.h = all varieties of religion\\
sarvapaapaiH = from all sinful reactions\\
sarvabhaavena = in all respects\\
sarvabhuuta = to all living entities\\
sarvabhuutasthaM = situated in all beings\\
sarvabhuutasthitaM = situated in everyone's heart\\
sarvabhuutahite = for the welfare of all living entities\\
sarvabhuutaanaaM = of all living entities\\
sarvabhuutaani = all created entities\\
sarvabhuutaanii = all living entities\\
sarvabhuuteshhu = among all living beings\\
sarvabhR^it.h = the maintainer of everyone\\
sarvamatena = according to all schools of thought/unanimously\\
sarvayonishhu = in all species of life\\
sarvaloka = of all planets and the demigods thereof\\
sarvavit.h = the knower of everything\\
sarvavid.h = one who knows everything\\
sarvavR^ikShaaNaaM = of all trees\\
sarvashaH = all\\
sarvasaMpadaam.h = all wealth\\
sarvasaN^kalpa = of all material desires\\
sarvasammatiH = unanimity\\
sarvasminnapi = in all beings\\
sarvasya = of everyone\\
sarvasvaM = all of one's belongings, holding\\
sarvaharaH = all-devouring\\
sarvaGYaana = in all sorts of knowledge\\
sarvaaH = all\\
sarvaaN^ga = the whole body\\
sarvaaN^gaasana = the shoulderstand posture\\
sarvaaNi = all\\
sarvaan.h = all kinds of\\
sarvaarambha = of all endeavours\\
sarvaarambhaH = all ventures\\
sarvaartha = for all worthy or meaningful or riches\\
sarvaarthaan.h = all things\\
sarve) = all\\
sarvebhyaH = of all\\
sarveshhaaM = all\\
sarveshhu = in all the\\
sarvekShaNam.h = (n) survey, poll\\
sarvai(H) = (Masc.instr.pl.) by all\\
sarvaiH = all\\
salakShmaNaH = with LakshmaNa\\
salila = water\\
savikaaraM = with interactions\\
savichaara = investigational meditation\\
savitarka = inspectional meditation\\
savitR^I = a name of Sun\\
savyasaachin.h = O Savyasaci\\
sashatra = with weapons,armed\\
sasharaM = along with arrows\\
sasya = grain\\
saha = With\\
saha.nsha = Special positions or points signifying important events in life. They are somewhat similar to Arabic parts\\
sahaH = force, strangth (neut)\\
sahakaaryaM = (n) co-operation\\
sahaja = the karma to which one is born\\
sahajabhaava = House of Siblings or 3rd\\
sahajaM = born simultaneously\\
sahate = (1 ap) to bear\\
sahadevaH = Sahadeva\\
sahanavavatu = saha + nau + avatu: together + us + (You)protect\\
sahanau = together us\\sahayogaH = (m) colloboration\\
sahasaa = (adv) hastily, perforce\\
sahastraavartanaat.h = according to the prescribed shAstrA cycle\\
sahasra = one thousand\\
sahasraM = 1000 times\\
sahasrakR^itvaH = a thousand times\\
sahasrapaat.h = thousand-footed\\
sahasrabaaho = O thousand-handed one\\
sahasrashaH = thousands\\
sahasrashiirshhaa = thousand-headed\\
sahasrasya = of many thousands\\
sahasraantaaM = similarly, ending after one thousand\\
sahasraara = the thousand-petalled lotus within the cerebral cavity\\
sahasraakShaH = thousand-eyed\\
sahasreNa = by thousand\\
sahasreshhu = out of many thousands\\
sahaaya = helper, friend, ally\\
sahaasaM = with smile\\
sahitaM = with\\
sakShii = witness\\
sa~NgoshhTii = (f) symposium\\
sa~NghatakaH = (m) component\\
sa~nghanakaH = (m) condenser\\
saa = that is\\
saaMprataM = (indeclinable) now\\
saa.nskR^itika = cultural\\
saakaM = with\\
saagaraM = (masc.Acc.S)ocean\\
saagaraH = the ocean\\
saagaraat.h = from the ocean\\
saaN^khya = one of the schools(systems) of Indian philosophy\\
saaN^khyaM = analytical study\\
saaN^khyayoga = the yoga of science\\
saaN^khyaanaaM = of the empiric philosophers\\
saaN^khye = in the fight\\
saaN^khyena = of philosophical discussion\\
saaN^khyaiH = by means of Sankhya philosophy\\
saajyasamidbhiH = with ghee(clarified butter) and `samidhaa' sticks\\
saaTopa = (adj) proud\\
saaDesaati = Saturn's transit of the lunar 12,1,2 houses. It lasts about 7 1\/2 years and is regarded as problematic for the Native by some Jyotishi. If the sarvaashhTakavarga of the signs in 12th, 1st and 2nd from the Moon have more than 30 points this relieves a lot of the above malefic side-effects. One should also judge the whole chart and see whether there is real malevolence to this transit\\
saattvika = to one in goodness\\
saattvikaM = in the mode of goodness\\
saattvikaH = in the mode of goodness\\
saattvikaaH = in goodness\\
saattvikii = in the mode of goodness\\
saatyakiH = Satyaki (the same as Yuyudhana, the charioteer of Lord KRishhNa)\\
saatvika = Pure Planets i.e. Waxing Moon, Jupiter and Mercury\\
saadhaka = an aspirant, seeker\\
saadhakaM = means\\
saadhana = instrument\\
saadhanaa = practice, a quest\\
saadhayet.h = achieves\\
saadharmyaM = same nature\\
saadhibhuuta = and the governing principle of the material manifestation\\
saadhiyaGYaM = and governing all sacrifices\\
saadhu = good man\\
saadhuH = a saint\\
saadhubhaave = in the sense of the nature of the devotee\\
saadhushhu = unto the pious\\
saadhuunaaM = of the devotees\\
saadhyaaH = the Sadhyas\\
saadhvii = (feminine form of saadhu ie , a virtuos person )\\
saantvayati = (10 up) to console\\
saama = the Sama Veda\\
saamarthyaM = capacity, strength\\
saamavedaH = the Sama Veda\\
saamaajika = social\\
saamaani = Nr.nom.pl.)the Sama Veda\\
saamaanya = common\\
saamaasikasya = of compounds\\
saamnaM = of the Sama Veda songs\\
saamyavaadaH = (m) communism\\
saamye = in equanimity\\
saamyena = generally\\
saamraajya = universal soverignty\\
saayaM = evening\\
saayaMpraataH = both evening \& morning\\
saayana = The Tropical Zodiac with precession\\
saayamadhiiyaano = evening studied man\\
saara = essence\\
saarikaa = a bird (nightingale / cuckoo ? )\\
saarthavaaha = (m) a merchant\\
saarvabhauma = of the whole earth\\
saarvaayushha = of full life-span\\
saalamba = supported\\
saalambasarvaaN^gaasana = the supported shoulderstand posture\\
saavadhaana = attention\\
saahaN^kaareNa = with ego\\
saahasa = adventure\\
saahase = (loc.sing.) in bravery or adventure\\
saahaayyaka = (m) assitant , helper\\
saahaayyam.h = (n) help, assistance\\
saahitya = literature\\
saakShatkaara = the spirit\\
saakShaat.h = directly\\
si.nha = lion\\
si.nhaH = (m) lion\\
si.nhanaadaM = roaring sound, like that of a lion\\
si.nhaasana = the lion posture\\
si.nhaasanam.h = (n) throne\\
sikataa = salt\\
sikta = sprayed\\
sikthaM = (n) wax\\
sikthavartikaa = (f) candle\\
siJNchati = (6 pp) to sprinkle\\
sita = Blank\\
sid.hdhyasid.hdhyoH = in success and failure\\
siddha = a prophet or adept, ever-ready, having psychic power\\
siddhaH = perfect\\
siddhayaH = great achievements including mystic powers\\
siddhaye = for perfection\\
siddhasaN^ghaaH = perfect beings\\
siddhaa.nsha = A Varga. The 24th Harmonic Chart. Also known as Chaturvi.nsha.nsha. Used in delineating Spiritual Gifts\\
siddhaanaaM = of those who have achieved perfection\\
siddhaanta = thesis\\
siddhaasana = the adept's posture\\
siddhi = success, achievement\\
siddhiM = powers\\
siddhiH = success\\
siddhii = a psychic (or occult) power\\
siddhau = in success\\
sidh.h = to be accomplished\\
sidhama.ntro = having got the effect of the mantra\\
sidhda = accomplished\\
sidhdaa.rth = (m) pr.n\\
sidhya.nti = (Vr.Pr.III P.pl.PP)materialise\\
sidhyati = (4 pp) to reach\\
sindhuH = ocean\\
siikataa = (f) sand\\
siitaa = the wife of Rama\\
siitaapatiM = siotA's husband\\
siitaapatiH = the husband or lord of sItA\\
siitaayaaH = sItA's\\
siidati = (1 pp) to sit\\
siidanti = are quivering\\
siimaa = limit, boundary\\
siimaashulkaM = (n) customs duty\\
siivyati = to sew\\
siisaM = (n) lead (Pb)\\
su = good, used as a prefix\\
sundara = beautiful, lovely, handsome, charming\\
sundarii = beautiful woman\\
suvR^it-tattva = the principle of goodness\\
su.ndaram.h = the handsome one\\
suHR^id.h = affectionate\\
sukara = easy\\
sukumaarau = (two) handsome young lads\\
sukR^itaM = pious activities\\
sukR^itadushhkR^ite = good and bad results\\
sukR^itasya = pious\\
sukR^itiM = good deed\\
sukR^itinaH = those who are pious\\
sukR^itinaaM = of the good-doer\\
sukR^itii = the man with good deeds\\
sukha = happiness\\
sukhaM = easily\\
sukhaH = and happiness\\
sukhataH = for happiness\\
sukhada = the one giving comfort\\
sukhaduHkha = happiness and distress\\
sukhamedhate = happiness, obtains\\
sukhaleshaH = (even a little) happiness\\
sukhasampadaam.h = of the happiness and wealth\\
sukhasya = of happiness\\
sukhaani = happiness thereof\\
sukhaarthinaH = (of) a man seeking happiness\\
sukhaasana = the easy posture\\
sukhaasanam.h = (n) a reclining chair, rocking chair\\
sukhinaH = happy\\
sukhii = happy\\
sukhe = in happiness\\
sukhena = in transcendental happiness\\
sukheshhu = in happiness\\
sugandhiM = one that has a nice fragrance\\
sugriiveshaH = master-sugrIva, the monkey king (literally meaning the one\\
sughoshhamaNipushhpakau = the conches named Sughosa and Manipuspaka\\
sujana = good man\\
suta = son\\
sutaa = daughter\\
sudati = woman\\
suduraachaaraH = one committing the most abominable actions\\
sudurdarshaM = very difficult to see\\
sudurlabhaH = very rare to see\\
sudushhkaraM = difficult\\
sudhaa = Nectar\\
sudhaaM = (fem.Acc. Sing.)nectar\\
sudhaakar = Moon\\
sudhaakhaNDaH = (m) chalk\\
suniyamanaya = with good niyama or GYaana, also with na, ya, ma, na, ya gaNaas\\
sunishchitaM = definitely\\
sundara = beautiful\\
sundariiM = (sundari in objective case)\\
suputra = good son\\
supuujitam.h = well worshipped\\
supta = asleep\\
suptajaanushirshhaasana = the supine head-knee posture\\
suptapaschimottanaasana = the supine back-stretching posture\\
suptapaadaaN^gushhThaasana = the supine big toe posture\\
suptabaddhapadmaasana = the supine bound lotus posture\\
suptavajraasana = the supine thunderbolt posture\\
sumanasya = benevolence\\
sumitraa = dasharath's wife, laxman's mother\\
sura = god\\
suragaNaaH = the demigods\\
suraguroH = of Brihaspati (the teacher of Gods)\\
suraN^gika = (f) a small tunnel\\
surasaN^ghaaH = groups of demigods\\
suraaNaaM = of the demigods\\
surendra = king of gods\\
surya = A name for the Sun\\
suryodaya = sun-rise\\
sulabha = Easy\\
sulabhaH = very easy to achieve\\
suvarNakaaraH = (m) goldsmith\\
suvipulaM = great , in bulk\\
suviruuDha = strongly\\
suvyavasthitaa = well organised\\
sushiila = of good character\\
sushiilatva = good character\\
sushumnaa = the spinal cord\\
sushhuptiH = deep sleeping\\
sushhuptikaraNa = hypnosis\\
sushhuptiiavasthaa = the state of the mind in dreamless sleep\\
susukhaM = very happy\\
susmita = endowed with good smiles\\
suhR^it.h = to well-wishers by nature\\
suhR^id.h = (bahuvriihi) friend\\
suhR^idaM = the benefactor\\
suhR^idaH = well-wishers\\
suGYaanaaya = (instr.S) thro'good knowledge\\
suu = to produce\\
suukta = good words\\
suuchanaa = suggestion\\
suuchi = (fem) needle, pointer\\
suuchikaa = (f) safety pin\\
suuchii = (f) needle, list\\
suuchiipatraM = (n) catalogue\\
suuta = the chariot driver\\
suutaputraH = Karna\\
suutra = a thread\\
suutrachakram.h = (n) spinning wheel, charkha\\
suutre = on a thread\\
suuyate = manifests\\
suurya = sun\\
suuryaH = the sun\\
suuryakaanta = Effulgent like Sun\\
suuryagR^ihe = in the home of sun(during the solar eclipse)\\
suuryanamaskaara = the homage to the sun posture\\
suuryanaaraayaNa = used for addressing Sun\\
suuryavarchasvii = with the prowess and brilliance of sun\\
suuryashcha = sun + and\\
suuryaastaH = (m) sunset\\
suuryodayaH = (m) sunrise\\
suukShma = minute, extremely small, keen\\
suukShmatvaat.h = on account of being subtle\\
suukShmadarshakam.h = (n) microscope\\
suukShmashariira = the astral body\\
sR^ijati = (6 pp) to create\\
sR^ijaami = manifest\\
sR^itii = different paths\\
sR^ishhTiH = creation\\
sR^ishhTii = World\\
sR^ishhTvaa = creating\\
sechananaalaH = (m) a water-gun used during Holi, pichkaari\\
setu = a bridge\\
setukR^itpaatu = may the builder of bridge (over the sea) protect\\
setubandhaasana = the bridge posture\\
setuba.ndhanaM = bridging\\
senayoH = of the armies\\
senaaniinaaM = of all commanders\\
sendriyamaanasa = sa+indriya+mAnasa, wwith senses and mind\\
sev.h = to serve\\
sevaka = (m) servant\\
sevate = (1 ap) to serve\\
sevama = (n) apple\\
sevayaa = by the rendering of service\\
sevaa = service\\
sevaamahe = (verb.Pr.I Per.Pl.Atma.Pada)\\
sevitvaM = aspiring\\
sainikaH = (m) soldier\\
sainyasya = of the soldiers\\
saishhaa = saa+eshhA, that feminine form\\
soDhuM = to tolerate\\
sopaanam.h = (n) staircase, steps\\
soma = The Moon\\
somaH = the moon\\
somapaaH = drinkers of soma juice\\
somavaara = Monday\\
sau.ndaryamaalikaa = Garland of beauty\\
sauHR^ida = friendship\\
sauchikaH = (m) tailor\\
saudaaminii = (f) lightning\\
saubhadraH = the son of Subhadra\\
saubhaagyavatii = Mrs\\
saumadattiH = the son of Somadatta\\
saumitrivatsalaH = he who is affectionate to LakshmaNa\\
saumyaM = very beautiful\\
saumyatvaM = being without duplicity towards others\\
saumyavapuH = the beautiful form\\
saurabha = fragrance\\
sauravyuuhaH = (m) the solar system\\
sauvarNa = golden\\
sauhR^ida = friendship\\
saukShmyaat.h = due to being subtle\\
sHR^id.h = friend\\
ska.ndhau = shoulders\\
skanda = a name of Kartikeya, god of war\\
skandaH = Kartikeya\\
skandhaH = (m) shoulder\\
skhalanashiila = adj. liable to lapse\\
staH = is\\
stanabhara = breasts that are(full-with milk)\\
stabdhaH = impudent\\
stabh = (root) to make immobile, to stun\\
stambhaH = (m) pillar\\
stambhana = Stationary planet\\
stuta = praised\\
stuti = praise\\
stutiH = praise\\
stutibhiH = with prayers\\
stuva.nti = praise, flatter\\
stuvanti = are singing hymns\\
stenaH = thief\\
steya = robbery\\
stotra = hymn\\
stotraM = hymn\\
stotre = in composing a hymn\\
styana = sloth\\
stra.nsate = is slipping\\
stravati = (1 pp) to flow\\
striyaH = women\\
striyashcharitraM = the characater of a woman\\
strii = (f) woman\\
striikaaraka = Significator of wife or partner Venus\\
striishhu = by the womanhood\\
sthaH = situated\\
sthagayati = to stop someone\\
sthambitaH = (gerund) startled/overwhelmed\\
sthalaa = (f) tiles (on the floor)\\
sthaa = to stand\\
sthaa(tishhThati) = to stand\\
sthaaNuH = unchangeable\\
sthaana = place, house, position\\
sthaanaM = place\\
sthaanaka = (m) station, base\\
sthaanabhrashTa = adj. skidrow bum\\
sthaanaantaraNa = transfer\\
sthaani = situated\\
sthaane = rightly\\
sthaapaya = please keep\\
sthaapayati = to put, to keep\\
sthaapayitvaa = placing\\
sthaalikaa = (f) plate, dish\\
sthaavara = not moving\\
sthaavaraaNaaM = of immovable things\\
sthaasyati = remains\\
sthitaM = situated\\
sthitaH = situated\\
sthitadhiiH = one fixed in KRishhNa consciousness\\
sthitapraGYaH = transcendentally situated\\
sthitapraGYasya = of one who is situated in fixed KRishhNa consciousness\\
sthitaaH = are situated\\
sthitaan.h = standing\\
sthiti = position\\
sthitiM = situation\\
sthitiH = situation\\
sthitii = existing\\
sthitau = situated\\
sthitvaa = being situated\\
sthira = fixed\\
sthiraraashi = Fixed Signs\\
sthiraM = firm\\
sthiraH = still\\
sthirataa = steadiness\\
sthirabuddhiH = self-intelligent\\
sthiraaM = stable\\
sthiraaH = enduring\\
sthiraa~NkaH = (m) constant number/variable\\
sthiraiH = with firm or strong (limbs)\\
sthuula = (adj) strong, big\\
sthuulaH = (adj) fat\\
sthuulamaatraa = macro\\
sthuulashariira = (bahuvriihi) big-bodied\\
sthuulasphaTikii = macrocrystaline\\
sthairyaM = steadfastness\\
snaatakottara = post graduate\\
snaati = to bathe\\
snaana = bath, ablution\\
snaanashiila = (metaphorically) pure\\
snaanagR^iham.h = (n) bathroom\\
snaayu = sinew\\
snaayuvitananaM = sprain\\
snigdha = affectionate; also oily,greasy\\
snigdhaaH = fatty\\
snushhaa = (f) daughter-in-law\\
sneha = love\\
snehaH = friendship (oil)\\
snehaat.h = (Masc.absol.sing.) from affection\\
snehena = (Masc.instr.sing.) through affection\\
spandate = (1 ap) to throb\\
sparshanaM = touch\\
sparshaan.h = sense objects, such as sound\\
spashhTa = Longitude of planet or house (bhaava)\\
spR^ish = to touch\\
spR^ishati = (6 pp) to touch\\
spR^ishan.h = touching\\
spR^ishhTaM = (past participle) touched\\
spR^ihaa = aspiration\\
sprihaNiyaruupaM = desirable form (personal appearance)\\
sphiita = (adj) prosperous\\
sphuTita = overt\\
sphurati = (6 pp) to throb\\
sphurita = shining\\
sphotakaH = (m) bomb, explosive\\
sma = an indeclinable that changes the sentence to past tense from present tense\\
smayate = (1 ap) to smile\\
smarati = (1 pp) to remember, recollect\\
smaran.h = thinking of\\
smaraami = remember\\
smaret.h = remembers, recalls\\
smaashana = graveyard\\
smR^ita = remembered\\
smR^itaM = is considered\\
smR^itaH = is considered\\
smR^itaa = when remembered\\
smR^iti = of memory\\
smR^itiH = memory\\
smR^itibhra.nshaat.h = after bewilderment of memory\\
smR^itii = memory\\
syandane = chariot\\
syandin.h = oozing\\
syaaM = would be\\
syaat.h = may be\\
syaama = will we become\\
syuH = form from ``as.h'' meaning ``those who may be''\\
syutam.h = (n) a bag\\
srotasaaM = of flowing rivers\\
sva = Self\\
svaM = own\\
svaH = the nether world(?)\\
svakaM = His own\\
svakarma = in his own duty\\
svakarmaNaa = by his own duties\\
svakiiya= (asj) private\\
svachakShushhaa = your own eyes\\
svachchha = pure\\
svachchha.ndii = adj. self-absorbed\\
svajanaM = kinsmen\\
svata.ntra = Free\\
svatejasaa = by Your radiance\\
svadesha = one's own country\\
svadharmaM = your religious duty\\
svadharmaH = one's prescribed duties\\
svadharme = in one's prescribed duties\\
svadhaa = oblation\\
svana = sound\\
svanushhThitaat.h = perfectly done\\
svapati = (2pp) to sleep\\
svapan.h = dreaming\\
svapna = dream\\
svapnaM = dreaming\\
svapnaH = dreaming\\
svapnashiilasya = of one who sleeps\\
svapnaavabodhasya = sleep and wakefulness\\
svapnaavasthaa = the state of the mind in a dream\\
svapne = in dream\\
svabhaava = nature, personal mental attributes\\
svabhaavaH = characteristics\\
svabhaavajaM = born of his own nature\\
svabhaavajaa = according to his mode of material nature\\
svabhaavajena = born of your own nature\\
svabhaavaniyataM = prescribed according to one's nature\\
svamatipariNaamaavadhi = according to one's intellectual capacity\\
svayaM = herself\\
svayaMprakaashita = self-illumined like stars(Sun)\\
svayaa = by their own\\
svara = sound\\
svarandharaa = (f) harmonium\\
svaruupa = one's true nature\\
svaruupaM = form\\
svarga = heaven\\
svargaM = to heaven\\
svargatiM = passage to heaven\\
svargaparaaH) = aiming to achieve heavenly planets\\
svargalokaM = heaven\\
svargaat.h = (Masc.abl.S)heaven\\
svarge = in heaven\\
svaliilayaa = sva+lIlaya, through one's play-like action\\
svalpa = little\\
svalpaM = a little\\
svalpatantraM = (n) oligarchy\\
svasa.nvedana = the understanding of oneself\\
svasti = all peace\\
svastikaasana = the prosperous posture\\
svastinastaarkShyo = let tArkshya or Garuda do good to us\\
svastirno = good to us\\
svasthaH = being situated in himself\\
svasthaiH = by healthy persons (ie , healthy in minds , their minds being well\\
svasyaH = by his own\\
svahastaH = Signature\\
svakShetra = Planet in its own sign\\
svaaM = of Myself\\
svaagatakaxaH = (m) drawing room\\
svaati = The fifteenth nakshatra. Can be spelt Svati\\
svaada = (m) taste\\
svaadate = (1 ap) to taste\\
svaadu = sweet\\
svaadhiina = dependent on the self\\
svaadhyaaya = self-study\\
svaadhyaayaH = study of Vedic literature\\
svaadhyaayaanmaa = sva + adhyAyAt.h + mA:fromone's learning + don't\\
svaapa = (m) sleep\\
svaami = master\\
svaamii = the master\\
svaayatta = dependent only one onself\\
svaaraajya = `self-rule', i.e., not being subordinate someone else\\
svaartha = one's own ends\\
svaarthii = adj. self-centered\\
sviikaroti = to accept\\
svena = by your own\\
svairatantraM = (n) autocracy\\
svyaM = of one's own\\
svraa.njalii = Musical notes\\
ha = the sun\\
ha.nsa = (masc) swan, goose\\
ha.nsaH = (m) swan\\
ha.nsaasana = the swan posture\\
haTa = force, against one's will\\
haTayoga = union with the supreme via discipline\\
hataM = killed\\
hataH = being killed\\
hataan.h = already killed\\
hataani = (past.part.)having been killed\\
hataiH = having been killed\\
hatyaa = (f) assassination\\
hatvaa = by killing\\
hanana = killing\\
hanishhye = I shall kill\\
hanumatprabhuH = the lord of Hanuman\\
hanumaana = a monkey chief, son of Anjana and Vayu\\
hanumaanaasana = the splits\\
hanta = Oh ! , Alas !\\
hantaaraM = the killer\\
hanti = kills\\
hantuM = to kill\\
hantR^i = desirous of killing\\
hanyate = is killed\\
hanyamaane = being killed\\
hanyuH = may kill\\
haya = horse\\
hayaiH = horses\\
har.h = to steal\\
hara = shankara\\
haraH = shiva\\
harati = (1pp) to take (away)\\
haranti = throw\\
harasi = you remove\\
hari = vishnu\\
hariH = the Supreme Personality of Godhead, KRishhNa\\
hariNa = deer\\
harita = green\\
haritam.h = (n) cabbage\\
hariiH = VishNu\\
hareH = of Lord KRishhNa\\
hartaa.asi = are the usurper\\
harmya = building\\
harsha = (masc) joy\\
harshha = from happiness\\
harshhaM = cheerfulness\\
harshhashokaanvitaH = subject to joy and sorrow\\
hala = a plough\\
halaasana = the plough posture\\
halaahala = poison\\
haviH = butter\\
havishhaa = offerings\\
hasati = (1pp) to laugh\\
hasta = hand\\
hastaghaTii = (f) wristwatch\\
hastapaadaN^gushhThaasana = the hand-to-big-toe posture\\
hastaat.h = from the hand\\
hastaakSharam.h = (n) handwriting\\
hastini = in the elephant\\
hastipakaH = (m) mahout, one who rides the elephant\\
hastairbibhraaNaM = bearing in the hands\\
haakiNii = the goddess in aGYaa chakra\\
haani = damage\\
haaniH = destruction\\
haara = Garland\\
haariNii = remover\\
haalaahala = poison\\
haasa = laughter\\
haasya = the sentiment of humor\\
hi = really\\
hi.nsati = kills\\
hi.nsaa = violence\\
hi.nsaaM = and distress to others\\
hi.nsaatmakaH = always envious\\
hita = benefit\\
hitaM = beneficial\\
hitakaamyayaa = for your benefit\\
hite = in welfare work\\
hitaishhin.h = one who wishes good\\
hitvaa = having given up/abandoned\\
hinasti = degrade\\
himaalayaH = the Himalayan mountains\\
hiraNyakashyapu = a demon king, killed by Vishnu\\
hiraNyagarbha = Effulgent, a name of Sun\\
hiraNyagarbhaH = the Golden Embryo of life and form\\
hiinau = bereft, having lost\\
huta = offerings (usually made to a fire)\\
hutaM = offered\\
hutabhuk.h = fire (one who eats offerings)\\
hutaashavaktraM = fire coming out of Your mouth\\
hR^i = to steal\\
hR^ita = deprived of\\
hR^itat.h = heart\\
hR^itsthaM = situated in the heart\\
hR^id.h = heart (neut)\\
hR^idaya = heart\\
hR^idayaM = heart\\
hR^idayasthaM = heart-stationed\\
hR^idayaani = hearts\\
hR^idayii = in my heart\\
hR^idayeshhu = in the hearts of\\
hR^idi = in the heart\\
hR^iddeshe = in the location of the heart\\
hR^idyaaH = pleasing to the heart\\
hR^ishhitaH = gladdened\\
hR^ishhiikesha = O master of all senses\\
hR^ishhiikeshaM = unto Lord KRishhNa\\
hR^ishhiikeshaH = Hrsikesa (KRishhNa, the Lord who directs the senses of the devotees)\\
hR^ishhTaromaa = with his bodily hairs standing on end due to his great ecstasy\\
hR^ishhyati = takes pleasure\\
hR^ishhyaami = I am enjoying\\
hetavaH = causes\\
hetu = intention\\
hetuH = aim (Here: cause)\\
hetunaa = for the reason\\
hetumadbhiH = with cause and effect\\
hetoH = in exchange\\
heman.h = gold\\
hemanta = (masc) winter\\
horaa = A Varga. The Division of a sign into Solar and Lunar or Division into halves. Used for determining Wealth amongst other things\\
hyaH = yesterday\\
hrasvaa = (adj) short\\
hriyate = is attracted\\
hriiH = modesty\\
kShaNaM = one second\\
kShaNaprabhaa = (f) lightning\\
kShaNaviyoga = momentary separation\\
kShaNaviikshita = glance\\
kShatriya = the caste of princes and warriors\\
kShatriyabalaM = the power or might of the kshatriyas or kings\\
kShatriyasya = of the ksatriya\\
kShatriyaaH = the members of the royal order\\
kShantiH = tolerance\\
kShamataa = ability\\
kShamaa = forgivance\\
kShamii = forgiving\\
kShaya = loss, weakening, scaricity\\
kShayaM = destruction\\
kShayakR^it.h = the destroyer\\
kShayati = (1 pp) to decay\\
kShayaat.h = (from) consunption/destruction\\
kShayaaya = for destruction\\
kShara = prone to end, destructible\\
kSharaM = to the fallible\\
kSharaH = constantly changing\\
kShaatraM = of a ksatriya\\
kShaantiH = tolerance\\
kShaamaye = ask forgiveness\\
kShaara = salty\\
kShaalayati = (10 pp) to wash\\
kShitipaala = (m) protector of the earth, king\\
kShip = (root) to throw\\
kShipati = (6 pp) to throw\\
kShipaami = I put\\
kShipta = neglected or distracted\\
kShipraM = soon\\
kShii = to dimnish\\
kShiiNakalmashhaaH = who are devoid of all sins\\
kShiiNe = spent-up/weakened state of\\
kShiira = milk\\
kShudra = insignificant, small\\
kShudraM = petty\\
kShudh = hunger\\
kShudhaa = hunger\\
kShudhaarta = hungry\\
kShudhyati = (4 pp) to be hungry\\
kShubhyati = (4 pp) to tremble\\
kShura = (masc) knife\\
kShurakriyaa = (fem) shaving, cutting with a knife\\
kShurapatram.h = (n) blade\\
kShuudra = weak (here)\\
kShetra = field\\
kShetraM = the field\\
kShetraGYa = and the knower of the body\\
kShetraGYaM = the knower of the field\\
kShetraGYaH = the knower of the field\\
kShetraGYayoH = and the knower of the field\\
kShetrii = the soul\\
kShetreshhu = in bodily fields\\
kShepaNaastraH = (m) missile\\
kShepaNii = (f) rocket\\
kShemaM = protection\\
kShemataraM = better\\
kShouti = to sneeze\\
kShobhaM = disturbance\\
GYa = one who knows (suffix)\\
GYanakaaraka = Significator of knowledge which is Jupiter\\
GYaa = to know\\
GYaatachara = (adj) known\\
GYaatavyaM = knowable\\
GYaati = community (people of the same caste etc.)\\
GYaatuM = to know\\
GYaate = in the realized state\\
GYaatena = by knowing\\
GYaatvaa = knowing well\\
GYaana = knowledge\\
GYaanaM = knowledge\\
GYaanaH = whose knowledge\\
GYaanagamyaM = to be approached by knowledge\\
GYaanachakShushhaH = those who have the eyes of knowledge\\
GYaanachakShushhaa = by the vision of knowledge\\
GYaanadiipite = because of the urge for self-realisation\\
GYaanaplavena = by the boat of transcendental knowledge\\
GYaanamana.ntaM = Knowledge and Infinity or Absoluteness\\
GYaanamayaH = (Masc. Nom.Sing.)full of knowledge\\
GYaanamayo = full of Gyana or knowledge\\
GYaanayaGYaH = sacrifice in knowledge\\
GYaanayaGYaaH = sacrifice in advancement of transcendental knowledge\\
GYaanayaGYena = by cultivation of knowledge\\
GYaanayogena = by the linking process of knowledge\\
GYaanavataaM = of the wise\\
GYaanavaan.h = learned\\
GYaanavihinaH = (but)bereft of knowledge of the Self\\
GYaanashabdayoH = of knowledge and sound\\
GYaanasya = of knowledge\\
GYaanaaH = knowledge\\
GYaanaagniH = the fire of knowledge\\
GYaanaat.h = than knowledge\\
GYaanaanaaM = of all knowledge\\
GYaanaavasthita = situated in transcendence\\
GYaaninaH = of the knower\\
GYaanibhyaH = than the wise\\
GYaanii = one who is in knowledge\\
GYaane = in knowledge\\
GYaanena = with knowledge\\
GYaanenaiva = GYAnena + eva:thro' knowledge alone\\
GYaanendriya = an organ of knowledge, i.e. the five senses\\
GYaayate = known\\
GYaayase = can to be known\\
GYaasyasi = you can know\\
GYeyaM = be known\\
GYeyaH = should be known\\
GYeyosi = You can be known\\

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