sábado, 7 de abril de 2007

sa.nskR^ita shabdArtha 2

chaTakaH = (m) sparrow\\
chaNDataa = (f) intensity\\
chatuH = four\\
chaturaH = capable / skiled/ clever\\
chaturastraH = (m) square\\
chaturastrakam.h = (n) frame (of a photograph or a picture)\\
chaturtha = fourth\\
chaturthyaaM = during the (auspicious)4th day (from New Moon, full moon)\\
chaturbhujena = four-handed\\
chaturvidhaM = the four kinds\\
chaturvidhaaH = four kinds of\\
chaturhastaM = who has four hands\\
chatushhpaadaraashi = Quadrupedal signs\\
chatus.h = four\\
chatussaagaraparya.ntaM = till or upto the four oceans\\
chatvaaraH = four\\
chatvaari = four\\
cana = cha(?)+na, and +not\\
chandana = sandal\\
chandra = Name for the Moon\\
chandrakuNDalii = Chart where the Ascendant or lagna is the sign of the natal moon\\
chandraraashi = Natal Moon sign. Used in India much like we use the Sun sign system in the West\\
chandralagna = Ascendant using the Natal lunar position\\
chandrabimba = moon disc\\
chandramasi = in the moon\\
chandrika = moonlight\\
chandrodaya = moon-rise\\
chapala = fickle, unstable\\
chapalaM = fickle-minded\\
chapalataa = agility\\
chamasaH = (m) spoon\\
chamuuM = military force\\
chaya = (m) a heap\\
chayanam.h = (n) selection, choice\\
char.h = to wander\\
chara = moving\\
chararaashi = Moveable signs\\
charaM = moving\\
charaNa = foot\\
charaNaH = (m) foot\\
charataaM = while roaming\\
charati = (1 pp) to move, to roam\\
charan.h = acting upon\\
charanti = move or travel or wander\\
charaacharaM = moving and nonmoving\\
charita = nature\\
charitaM = story, character\\
charitra = life\\
charitraaNi = tales of valour\\
charaiveti = chara:moving (things) +eva:alone; only + iti:thus\\
charchaa = discussion\\
charpaTa = torn/tattered cloth\\
charman.h = (neu) skin, leather\\
charyaa = practise / observance\\
chal.h = to walk\\
chala = moving\\
chalaM = flickering\\
chalachchitra = movie\\
chalati = (1pp) to walk\\
chalita = deviated\\
chashhakaH = (m) glass\\
chashhakaadhaanii = (f) saucer\\
chakShu = eye\\
chakShuH = eyes\\
chakShus.h = eye\\
chaakalehaH = (m) chocolate candy, toffee\\
chaataka = the ever thirsty chaataka bird that lives only on raindrops\\
chaaturvarNyaM = the four divisions of human society\\
chaandramasaM = the moon planet\\
chaanyatraika = cha+anyatra+ekaH, and+in any other place+only one\\
chaapaM = the bow\\
chaapabaaNadharo = bearing bow\&arrow\\
chaapalya = (from chapala) rashness\\
chaapi = also\\
chaariNau = blowing\\
chaalakaH = (m) driver\\
chaalakaH = A restive elephant\\
chaasmi = as I am\\
chikitsaka = remedy\\
chikitsaalayam.h = (n) hospital\\
chikiirshhavaH = wishing\\
chikiirshhuH = desiring to lead\\
chikroDaH = (m) squirrel\\
chit.h = pure consciousness\\
chitaa = funeral pyre\\
chitta (chitta) = mind\\
chittaM = mind\\
chittaH = mind\\
chittalayaH = absorbed mind\\
chittavikShepa = confusion, distraction\\
chittavR^itti = a mode of behaviour\\
chittaa = mind\\
chittaatmaa = mind and intelligence\\
chitra = strange\\
chitraM = surprising\\
chitrakaH = (m) a leopard\\
chitrakaara = (m) painter , artist\\
chitrapaTaH = (n) movie, film\\
chitrapataN^gaH = (m) butterfly\\
chitramandiram.h = (n) movie theatre\\
chitrarathaH = Citraratha\\
chitraraasabhaH = (m) zebra\\
chitraveshhTiH = (m) lungi\\
chitraa = Fourteenth nakshatra\\
chitrinii = a fine cord within the spine\\
chitroshhTraH = (m) giraffe\\
chinoti = to collect, to gather\\
chint.h = to think\\
chintaya = (causative of cit) to think\\
chintayati = (10 up) to think\\
chintayantaH = concentrating\\
chintayet.h = should think of\\
chintaa = worrying\\
chintaaM = fears and anxieties\\
chintaajaDaM = mind dullened by worry\\
chintaamaNi = the gem that gives you anything you can think about\\
chintita = something one has thought about\\
chinmayaH = full of the `mind' or consciousness\\
chipaNyabhimukha = marketoriented\\
chira = permanently\\
chirakaala = always, everpresent, permanent\\
chiraat.h = after a long time\\
chiraaya = for long\\
chiraayuH = long-life- span (`chira' actually means permanent cf. chiranjIvI)\\
chihna = sign\\
chii = to increase\\
chiira = dress made of bark?\\
chuMbaka = magnet\\
chuMbana = kiss\\
chuTati = to pinch\\
chubukasamarpitajaanu = face dedicated to(huddled up between) the knees\\
chumbati = to kiss\\
churikaabandha = pattern of sword, a form of bandha poetry\\
chulli = (f) cooking fire\\
chuurNayati = to grind (as wheat to flour)\\
chuurNitaiH = with smashed\\
chekitaanaH = Cekitana\\
chet.h = if\\
chetanaa = the living force\\
chetayati = to warn\\
chetas.h = mind\\
chetasaH = their hearts\\
chetasaa = by consciousness\\
chetasaaM = of those whose minds\\
chetaaH = in heart\\
cheshhTaH = the endeavours\\
cheshhTate = (1 ap) to try, to attempt\\
cheshhTasya = of one who works for maintenance\\
chaitanya = energy, enthusiasm\\
chailaajina = of soft cloth and deerskin\\
chodanaa = the impetus\\
chodhitakaraNa = tested or awakened senses\\
chorayati = (10 up) to steal, to rob\\
chaukaaraH = (m) boundary, four (cricket)\\
chyavanti = fall down\\
chha.nda = Hobby\\
chha.ndaH = metre (poetic)\\
chhatra = umbrella\\
chhatram.h = (n) umbrella\\
chhatraakam.h = (n) mushroom\\
chhadiH = (m) roof\\
chhadmachaariNaH = those who wander by adopting tricks such as becoming\\
chhandasaaM = of all poetry\\
chhandaa.nsi = the Vedic hymns\\
chhandobhiH = by Vedic hymns\\
chhalayataaM = of all cheats\\
chhavii = picture , portrait\\
chhaatraaH = students\\
chhaadana = covering\\
chhaayaa = shade\\
chhaayaachitraM = (n) photograph\\
chhittva = cutting\\
chhittvaa = cutting off\\
chhid.h = to cut, break by cutting\\
chhidra = (neut in this sense) hole, cut\\
chhinatti = to tear, to break\\
chhindanti = can cut to pieces\\
chhinna = having torn off\\
chhurikaa = (f) knife\\
chhettaa = remover\\
chhettuM = to dispel\\
chhedana = cutting\\
ja = Born\\
ja.nghe = ankle\\
ja.ntuunaaM = (Nr.Poss.pl.) living beings; insects\\
jagajaitra = jagaje?+atra, in the world?+here\\
jagat.h = universe\\
jagataH = of the world\\
jagataaM = of the Universe\\
jagatpate = O Lord of the entire universe\\
jagan.h = Nr.nom + acc.sing.)world\\
jagannivaasa = O refuge of the worlds\\
jagrat.h = awakened\\
jagrataH = or one who keeps night watch too much\\
jaghanya = of abominable\\
jaN^gamaM = moving\\
jaTaamukuTama.nDitam.h = adorned by locks of hair forming a crown\\
jaTilaH = with knotted hair\\
jaThara = Intestine\\
jaTharaparivartanaasana = the belly-turning posture\\
jaThare = in the stomach\\
jan.h = to to be born or produced\\
jana = man\\
janaH = people\\
janaka = father\\
janakaatmajaa = janakA's daughter\\
janakaadayaaH = Janaka and other kings\\
janaghaTaatantraM = (n) mobocracy\\
janana = birth\\
jananaM = birth\\
jananii = mother\\
janapadam.h = (n) district\\
janapadeshhu = in the society (janapada really meaning a village )\\
janayet.h = causal form from jan.h meaning ``should generate''\\
janasaMparka = public relations, contact with people\\
janasa.nsadi = to people in general\\
janaaH = persons\\
janaadhipaH = kings\\
janaanaaM = of the persons\\
janaardana = O maintainer of all living entities\\
janitraM = (n) generator\\
jantavaH = the living entities\\
jantoH = of living beings\\
janma = birth, incarnation\\
janmaH = (Mas.nom.Sing.)birth.janma:(Nr.)\\
janmakarmaphalapradaaM = resulting in good birth and other fruitive reactions\\
janman.h = birth\\
janmanaaM = repeated births and deaths\\
janmabandha = from the bondage of birth and death\\
janmaraashi = Sign occupied by the Moon at birth\\
janmasu = in births\\
janmaani = births\\
japa = Recitation\\
japati = (1 pp) to mutter, mumble\\
japannityaM = japan+nityaM, chanting+ever\\
japayaGYaH = chanting\\
japtvaa = having chanted\\
jambaala = (masc) mud\\
jambiiram.h = (n) lemon\\
jambuukaH = fox\\
jaya = victory\\
jayaH = victory\\
jayate = becomes victorious; wins\\
jayama.ngalam.h = victory that is auspicious\\
jayaajayau = both victory and defeat\\
jayema = we may conquer\\
jayeyuH = they conquer\\
jaraa = old age\\
jarjara = old/digested (by disease etc)\\
jala = Water\\
jalaM = (Nr.non. + acc.S)water\\
jaladhi = sea/ ocean\\
jalandhara = bandha where the chin rests in the notch between the collar bones\\
jalapatanasaham.h = Sensitive point relating to going on a voyage. One of many used in Varshaphal and similar in idea to Arabic parts\\
jalapaataH = (m) waterfall\\
jalabandhaH = (m) dam\\
jalalava = water drop\\
jalaashaya = lake, pond\\
jalp.h = to babble\\
javanikaa = (f) towel\\
jahaati = can get rid of\\
jahi = conquer\\
jahiihi = jahi+iha, leave/give up+here(in this world)\\
jahnu = name of an ancient king who adopted the ganga river\\
jahnusutaa = ganga\\
jaGYire = (Verb, Past IIIP pl.PP) took birth; were born\\
jaagarti = is wakeful\\
jaagR^i = to stay awake\\
jaagR^ita = alert\\
jaagrata = (Vr.Imp.IIP.Pl.PP)Wake up; awake\\
jaagrataavasthaa = complete awareness of the state of the mind\\
jaagrati = are awake\\
jaaDya = laziness, inability to identify/appreciate good qualities (here)\\
jaata = born, become (from jan.h, to be born, or created)\\
jaataM = having become\\
jaataH = of all beings\\
jaataka = Nativity, literally means one who is born\\
jaatasya = of one who has taken his birth\\
jaataa = (part.fem.nom.S)is born\\
jaataaH = born\\
jaati = circumstances of life to which one is born\\
jaatidharmaaH = community projects\\
jaatu = at any time\\
jaanakaaraaH = knowledgeable\\
jaanakiivallabhaH = the darling of jAnaki (sItA)\\
jaanan.h = even if he knows\\
jaanaati = knows\\
jaaniite = know\\
jaaniimaH = know\\
jaanu = (n) knee\\
jaanushirshhaasana = the head-knee posture\\
jaanunii = knees\\
jaane = I know\\
jaapyasameta = with chanting of the names of the lord\\
jaamadagnyajit.h = he who scored a victory over jAmadagni(ParashurAm, the son\\
jaamaataa = (m) son-in-law\\
jaambavadaashrayaH = he who gave refuge to jhambava(the bear-chieftain of\\
jaayate = (4 ap) to be born\\
jaayante = develop\\
jaayaa = Wife, female companion, spouse, strii\\
jaala = net\\
jaalaM = (n) net, network\\
jaalam.h = (n) net\\
jaahnavii = the River Ganges\\
ji.nvhaa = tongue\\
jigishhataaM = of those who seek victory\\
jighrati = (1 pp) to smell\\
jighran.h = smelling\\
jijiivishhaamaH = we would want to live\\
jita = having conquered\\
jitaH = conquered\\
jitaatmanaH = of one who has conquered his mind\\
jitaatmaa = having control of the mind\\
jitendriyaM = the conqueror of senses\\
jitendriyaH = having conquered the senses\\
jitvaa = by conquering\\
jivadhaaraNakaari = responsible for life's existence\\
jivabhuutaaM = comprising the living entities\\
jivyate = remain alive\\
jivhaa = (f) tongue\\
jivhaaM = tongue\\
jiGYaasuH = inquisitive\\
jii = to live\\
jiirNa = very old, dilapidated, torn\\
jiirNaani = old and useless\\
jiiv.h = to live\\
jiiva = life\\
jiivaloka = the mortal world\\
jiivaH = life\\
jiivati = while living(without earning)\\
jiivana = life\\
jiivanaM = life\\
jiivanmuktiH = salvation+freedom from bondage of birth\\
jiivabhuutaH = the conditioned living entity\\
jiivamaana = one who lives\\
jiivaloke = in the world of conditional life\\
jiivashaastraM = (n) biology\\
jiivasya = (masc.poss.S) of life\\
jiivaatman.h = Also spelt Jeevatman. Is the soul within the human sphere\\
jiivaatmaa = the individual soul\\
jiivita = life\\
jiivitena = living\\
jiivemaH = may we live\\
jushhTaM = practiced by\\
juhosi = you offer\\
juhvati = offer\\
jR^imbhate = to yawn\\
jetaasi = you will conquer\\
jaiminii = Maharishi Jaimini a sage who wrote an elucidation of sections of Maharishi Parashara's work. This became the basis for another system of Astrology in India\\
joshhayet.h = he should dovetail\\
jyaayasaH = gen. sing. of jyaayas, greater\\
jyaayasi = better\\
jyaayaaH = better\\
jyeshhThaa = Eighteenth nakshatra\\
jyotiH = light\\
jyotirdhyaana = luminous contemplation\\
jyotishha = The study of Illuminated bodies. The study of Astrology and Astronomy which were one science in the past\\
jyotishhii = An Astrologer\\
jyotii = inner light\\
jyotiishhaaM = of all luminaries\\
jyotsna = moonlight\\
jyotsnaa = (f) moonlight\\
jvara = fever\\
jvalati = (1 pp) to glow\\
jvaladbhiH = blazing\\
jvalanaM = a fire\\
jvaalaH = (m) fuse\\
jhashhaaNaaM = of all fish\\
jhR^imbaNam.h = (n) yawning\\
Dayate = to fly\\
DukR^iJNkaraNa = grammatic formula ``DukRi.nkaraNa''\\
DukR^iJNkaraNe = the grammatical formula ``DukRi.nkaraNe''\\
taM = him\\
takraM = (Nr.nom. + acc.S)curd or buttermilk\\
tajaka A system of Solar Return Charts also known as Varshaphal\\
taD.h = to hit\\
taDaagaH = lake, pond\\
taNDava = violent dance of Shiva\\
tat.h = that\\
tataM = pervaded\\
tataH = Then\\
tatastataH = from there\\
tato = then , afterwards\\
tatoha.nsaH = tataH: then or from there + haMsaH:swan or Brahman\\
tattva = an element, the twenty-four categories of thatness\\
tattvaM = truth/nature\\
tattvataH = in reality\\
tattvavit.h = the knower of the Absolute Truth\\
tattvaGYaana = of knowledge of the truth\\
tattve = truth\\
tattvena = in reality\\
tatparaM = afterwards\\
tatparaH = very much attached to it\\
tatparaayaNaH = who have completely taken shelter of Him\\
tatprasaadaat.h = by His grace\\
tatbuddhayaH = those whose intelligence is always in the Supreme\\
tatra = there\\
tatvidaH = by those who know this\\
tatsamakShaM = among companions\\
tatsiddhiH = that materialisation\\
tathaa = and , also , like that\\
tathaapi = yet , even then\\
tathaiva = similarly\\
tadanu = after that\\
tad.h = he/she/it\\
tad.hdhaama = that abode\\
tadana.ntaraM = later to that\\
tadanantaraM = thereafter\\
tadapi = tat.h+api, then even\\
tadaa = then\\
tadaatmaanaH = those whose minds are always in the Supreme\\
tadiha = tat.h+iha, that+here\\
tadvat.h = like that\\
tadviddhi = you must know it\\
tana = Body\\
tanaya = (m) son\\
tanayaa = daughter\\
tanu = body\\
tanubhaava = First house or house of body\\
tanuM = form of a demigod\\
tanuuM = body\\
tanuuja = son\\
tanuubhiH = through the bodies (sharIra)\\
tantu = thread / stalk\\
tantuvaayaH = (m) spinner (one who spins cloth, not the bowler :)\\
tantra = treatises on ritual, meditation, discipline, etc\\
tannishhThaaH = those whose faith is only meant for the Supreme\\
tanno = he to us\\
tanmaatraa) = the five potentials or senses\\
tanmukhyaM = tat.h + mukhyaM:that + important\\
tanmemanaH = tat.h + me + manaH: that + my + mind\\
tanvi = woman\\
tapa = to burn, shine, suffer\\
tapaH = penance\\
tapaHsu = in undergoing different types of austerities\\
tapati = (1 pp) to heat up\\
tapantaM = heating\\
tapas.h = sustained effort\\
tapasaa = by the penance\\
tapasaaM = and penances and austerities\\
tapasi = in penance\\
tapasyasi = austerities you perform\\
tapasyaa = (f) penance, meditation\\
tapasvibhyaH = than the ascetics\\
tapasvishhu = in those who practice penance\\
tapaami = give heat\\
tapobhiH = by serious penances\\
tapoyaGYaaH = sacrifice in austerities\\
tapta = troubled, frustrated\\
taptaM = executed\\
tapyante = undergo\\
tam.h = him\\
tama = Anger\\
tamaH = (m) darkness, ignorance\\
tamanena = that+thro' this\\
tamas.h = darkness\\
tamasa = darkness, inertia, ignorance\\
tamasaH = to darkness\\
tamasi = the mode of ignorance\\
tamodvaaraiH = from the gates of ignorance\\
tayaa = by her\\
tayoH = of them\\
tara = crossing over\\
tara.ntu = (Vr.Imp.IIIP.Pl.PP) let them cross\\
taraka = a demon slain by Kartikeya\\
taraN^ga = (m) wave\\
taraN^gaH = (m) wave\\
taraNe = in crossing\\
tarati = (1 pp) to cross\\
taran.h = swimming or crossing\\
tarangeshhu = among the waves\\
taranti = overcome\\
tarishhyasi = you will overcome\\
taru = Tree\\
taruNaH = young man\\
taruNii = young woman\\
taruNau = (two)youngsters\\
tarutalavaasaM = living under the trees\\
taruu = Tree\\
tarkeNa = (masc.instr.Sing.)logic\\
tarjanaM = the fear\\
tarjanii = Finger\\
tarhi = then, in that case\\
tala = Bottom\\
talpaH = (m) mattress\\
tava = Yours\\
tavaM = you\\
tasthau = stood\\
tasmaat.h = hence\\
tasmin.h = in that\\
tasminkaaye = tasmin.h+kaye, in that body\\
tasmai = (masc.dat.S)to him\\
tasya = its\\
tasyasu.ndaraM = beautiful to him\\
tasyaaM) = in that\\
tasyaisha = tasya + esha(H):His + this\\
takShakaH = (m) carpenter\\
takShati = to sculpt, to carve\\
taaM = to that\\
taaDa = a mountain\\
taaDayati = (10 up) to beat, slap\\
taaNa = to stretch\\
taaNDula = (rice) grains\\
taat.h = that location i, e.protect me from behind\\
taata = My friend\\
taataH = father\\
taadita = beaten\\
taan.h = them\\
taani = his\\
taantrik.h = pertaining to Tantra\\
taapa = trouble\\
taapasa = austerity, purification\\
taapasau = (2)penance-doers\\
taamasa = to one in the mode of darkness\\
taamasaM = in the mode of ignorance\\
taamasaH = in the mode of ignorance\\
taamasaaH = in the mode of ignorance\\
taamasika = Planets that are slothful - Waning Moon, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and Mercury\\
taamasii = in the mode of ignorance\\
taaraka = star, eye\\
taariNi = the one who crosses\\
taareNa = thro' the star\\
taalaH = (m) lock\\
taalikaa = clap\\
taavat.h = by that time(when it was over)\\
taavannija = tAvat.h+nija, till then+one's\\
taavaan.h = similarly\\
taasaaM = of all of them\\
tikta = (adj) bitter\\
titikShasva = just try to tolerate\\
tittibha = a firefly\\
tittibhaasana = the firefly posture\\
tintriNii = (f) tamarind\\
timira = darkness\\
tila = sesame seeds\\
tilakam.h = (n) bindi (the "dot on the forehead")\\
tishhThati = (1 pp) to stand\\
tishhThani = stand (from sthaa)\\
tishhThantaM = residing\\
tishhThanti = dwell\\
tishhThasi = remain\\
tiira = (neut) edge, bank\\
tiikShNa = pungent\\
tu = but\\
tuchchha = adj. trifling\\
tuNDaM = jaws/mouth?\\
tumulaH = uproarious\\
tumbaraM = (n) tanpura, tambora\\
tulanaa = comparison\\
tulaa = (f) balance, weighing scales\\
tulya = comparable\\
tulyaM = equivalent, comparable\\
tulyaH = equal\\
tush.h = to be satisfied\\
tushhaara = (m) ice/snow\\
tushhTaH = satisfied\\
tushhTiH = satisfaction\\
tushhTishchaastu = tushhTiH + cha + astu:happiness + and + let there be\\
tushhTuvaa.nsaH = May we satisfy or make them happy?\\
tushhNiM = silent\\
tushhyati = (4 pp) to be pleased\\
tushhyanti = become pleased\\
tuuNa = quiver(arrow receptacle)\\
tuula = air\\
tuulaa = Zodiacal Sign of Libra\\
tR^iTi = defect\\
tR^iNa = grass\\
tR^iNaa = grass\\
tR^ipta = satisfied\\
tR^iptaH = being satisfied\\
tR^iptiH = satisfaction\\
tR^ishhNaa = desire\\
tR^ishhNaaM = thirst/desire\\
te = they\\
te.api = even they\\
tejaH = prowess\\
tejas.h = brilliance\\
tejasa = radiant energy, majesty\\
tejasvin.h = one who has tej (brilliance)\\
tejasvinaaM = of the powerful\\
tejasvinaavadhiitamastu = with glory \& strength, our study, be\\
tejonveshhaH = (m) radar\\
tejobhiH = by effulgence\\
tejomayaM = full of effulgence\\
tejoraashiM = effulgence\\
tena = by that; with that\\
tenaiva = in that\\
teshaaM = their\\
teshhaaM = their\\
teshhu = on them\\
taiH = by them\\
taila = oil\\
tailachitra = oil painting\\
tailapaH = (m) cockroach\\
taistaiH = various\\
toyaM = water\\
tola = a balance\\
tolayati = (10 up) to weigh\\
tolaaN^gulaasana = the balance posture\\
tolaasana = the scales posture\\
tau = they\\
tausthau = stood (motionless) (past perfect tense of sthaa tishhTha to stand)\\
tyak.h = to sacrifice\\
tyakta = giving up\\
tyaktajiivitaaH = prepared to risk life\\
tyaktuM = to be renounced\\
tyaktvaa = having abandoned/sacrificed\\
tyaktvaa.atmaanaM = having abandoned see as one's own self\\
tyaj.h = to leave\\
tyajati = (1 pp) to abandon, to relinquish\\
tyajan.h = quitting\\
tyajet.h = one must give up\\
tyaaga = sacrificing/abandonment\\
tyaagaM = renunciation\\
tyaagaH = renunciation\\
tyaagasya = of renunciation\\
tyaagaat.h = by such renunciation\\
tyaagii = the renouncer\\
tyaage = in the matter of renunciation\\
tyaajyaM= to be given up\\
trayaM = three\\
trayaaNaaM = three\\
trayii = triplet\\
traye = in the three\\
trayovi.nshati = number 23\\
traa = to save\\
traaTaka = an exercise to clear the vision\\
traaNa = protection\\
traatuM) = for protecting\\
traayate = releases\\
traayetaaM = (may the two) protect, save (us).(for one persons the verb is\\
traahi = (Vr.Imp.II P.S PP)Protect\\
tri = three\\
trikoNa = a triangle\\
trikoNamiti = trigonometry\\
trikoNaasana = the triangle posture\\
trikona = Trinal houses or 1,5,9\\
triguNa = three qualities (i.e. satva, rajas and tamas)\\
trigunadoshaiH = having all three qualities as well as faults\\
trijagati = in the three worlds\\
tridhaa = of three kinds\\
tribhiH = three\\
tribhujam.h = (n) triangle\\
trivikrama = fifth incarnation of Vishnu commonly known as vaamana\\
trividhaM = of three kinds\\
trividhaH = of three kinds\\
trividhaa = of three kinds\\
trishhu = in the three\\
triiNi = three\\
triin.h = three\\
truTayaH = shortcomings, mistakes\\
truTi = shortcomings, mistakes\\
traiguNya = pertaining to the three modes of material nature\\
trailokya = of the three worlds\\
traividyaH = the knowers of the three Vedas\\
tva = suffix meaning property of.\\
tvaM = you\\
tvak.h = skin\\
tvat.h = than you\\
tvattaH = from You\\
tvatto = from you\\
tvatprasaadaat.h = by Your mercy\\
tvatsamaH = equal to You\\
tvadanyena = besides you\\
tvameva = you only\\
tvayaa = by you\\
tvayi = in yourself\\
tvaraNitra = accelerator\\
tvarate = (1 ap) to hurry, to hasten\\
tvaramaaNaaH = rushing\\
tvaraa = hurry\\
tvarita = quick, without delay\\
tvahaM = tu + aham: emphasis + I\\
tvaa = unto you\\
tvaaM = to you\\
tvai = with regard to thee\\
da.nDaH = punishment\\
da.ntii = the tusked one\\
da.nsh.h = to bite\\
da.nshhTra = tooth\\
da.nshhTraa = (fem) tooth, fang\\
dakShataa = (f) efficiency, care\\
dakhiNa = right side\\
dagdha = burned\\
daNDa = a staff, also monetary punishment for wrong doing\\
daNDaM = stick(walking)\\
daNDaasana = the staff posture\\
daNDii = Dandii\\
dattaM = given\\
dattaan.h = things given\\
dadati = give, donate\\
dadaami = I give\\
dadaasi = you give , confer upon\\
dadau = gave (from daa : to give)\\
dadhatamurujaTaa = bearing, head adornments\\
dadhaatu = let them give( us welfare)\\
dadhaami = create\\
dadhichii = a sage who gave his bones to the gods to make a thunderbolt\\
dadhmuH = blew\\
dadhmau = blew\\
danDadiipa = (m) tubelight\\
danDayati = (10 up) to punish\\
dantaH = (m) tooth\\
dantapaalii = (f) gums\\
dama = self-control\\
damaH = control of the senses\\
damayataaM = of all means of suppression\\
dambha = of pride\\
dambhaH = pride\\
dambhena = out of pride\\
dayaa = mercy\\
dayaaluH = the kind-hearted\\
dayita = dear\\
daridrataa = poverty; shortage\\
darpa = pride (masc)\\
darpaM = pride\\
darpaH = arrogance\\
darpaNa = Mirror\\
darpaNaH = (m) mirror\\
darbha = a sweet-smelling dried grass\\
darvii = (f) serving spoon, ladle\\
darshana = seeing\\
darshanaM = sight, Darshan\\
darshanakaaN^kShiNaH = aspiring to see\\
darshanaaya = for seeing\\
darshaniiya = handsome\\
darshanena = at the sight of\\
darshaya = show\\
darshayaamaasa = showed\\
darshitaM = shown\\
darshinaH = seers\\
darshibhiH = by the seers\\
dala = leaf\\
dalam.h = (n) flower petal\\
dava = water\\
dasha = ten\\
dashati = (1 pp) to bite\\
dashanavihiinaM = dashana+vihInaM, teeth+bereft\\
dashanaantareshhu = between the teeth\\
dashamika = (adj) decimal\\
dashamukhaantakaH = the finisher (destroyer) of the ten-faced one (rAvaNa)\\
dasharatha = dasharatha's\\
dasharathatanayaM = the son of dasharatha\\
dasharathasyaitau = dasharathasya+etaau, dasharatha's+this pair\\
dashalakShaa.nsha = parts per million\\
dashaa = Planetary period or system of directions. Also means the actual Major planetary period itself. There are many of these the most used being vi.nshottarii or 120 year cycle system. Others are ashhTottari (108), Chatursheetisama (84), Dwadashottari (112), Dwisaptatisama (72), Panchottari (105), ShashhTisama (60), Shatatri.nshatsama (36), Shodashottari (116), Yogini (30). These are lunar based. Then there are Rashi (sign) based systems: chara, sthira, kaala chakra and kendraadi dashas etc\\
dashaa.nsha = One of the varga-s or harmonic divisions of a sign. This is the 10th division\\
dashaanana = Another name for Ravana\\
dashaavataara = the ten avataara-s of Vishnu\\
dashaikaM = eleven\\
dashhTa ) = bite\\
dah.h = to burn\\
dahat.h = one that burns\\
dahati = (1 pp) to burn, to pain\\
dakSha = a lord of created beings\\
dakShaH = expert\\
dakShiNa = South\\
dakShiNaattaat.h = from the southern direction\\
dakShiNaayanaM = when the sun passes on the southern side\\
dakShiNe = in the southern direction\\
dakShiNeshvara = Dakshineshvar, place near Calcutta\\
daa = to give\\
daaH = giving\\
daakiNii = the goddess in mulaadhaara chakra\\
daaDimaphalam.h = (n) pomegranate, anaar\\
daatavya = shouold be given\\
daatavyaM = worth giving\\
daataa = (masc.Nom.S) the giver\\
daataaraM = the giver\\
daataaram.h = one who gives\\
daadhaara = holds\\
daana = the act of giving\\
daanaM = charity\\
daanava = a demon\\
daanavaH = the demons\\
daane = in charity\\
daanena = by charity\\
daaneshhu = in giving charities\\
daanaiH = by charity\\
daantau = with good teeth?\\
daama = garland (like)\\
daamyati = (4 pp) to tame\\
daayitvaM = (n) obligation\\
daayinii = giver\\
daaraa = woman\\
daaridrya = poverty\\
daaru = (neut) tree, wood\\
daarvaaghaaTaH = (m) woodpecker\\
daasharathiH = dasharatha's son\\
daasaH = (male, nom.sing.) servant\\
daasosmyaham.h = disciple+am+I\\
daasyante = will award\\
daasyaami = I shall give charity\\
daakShyaM = resourcefulness\\
digbala = Directional strength\\
diN^.hnirNayayantra = compass\\
diti = mother of the daityas demons\\
didarshayishhan.h = wishing to show\\
dina = Day\\
dinadarshikaa = (f) calendar\\
dinayaaminyau = dina+yAminI, day + night\\
dinaaN^kaH = (m) date\\
dine = (Loc.sing.) during the day i.e day-by-day\\
divaM = to heaven\\
divaN^gataH = died\\
divasa = day\\
divasakR^itaM = day-time-done\\
divasasya = of days\\
divase = on the day\\
divaa = during the day\\
divaakara = sun\\
divi = in heaven\\
divya = divine\\
divyaM = transcendental\\
divyaaH = divine\\
divyaan.h = celestial\\
divyaanaaM = of the divine\\
divyaani = divine\\
divyaayudhaH = the man with divine weapons\\
divyau = transcendental\\
dishaH = on all sides\\
dishati = (6 pp) to show\\
dishaa = directions\\
dishaaM = direction\\
dishi = in all directions\\
diinajanaaya = to the poor (humble state) people\\
diip.h = to adorn, to grace\\
diipa = light\\
diipaH = lamp\\
diipaka = Lamp\\
diipena = with the lamp\\
diipta = blazing\\
diiptaM = glowing\\
diiptaanala = blazing fire\\
diiptimantaM = glowing\\
diiptaiH = shining\\
diiyate = is given\\
diirgha = Long\\
diirghasuutra = one who works slowly, procrastinates\\
diirghachakrii = macrocyclic\\
diirghasuutrii = procrastinating\\
diirghaa = (adj) long\\
du.Hshcharita = adj. bad blooded\\
duHkha = sorrow\\
duHkhaM = distress\\
duHkhataraM = more painful\\
duHkhasa.nyoga = of the miseries of material contact\\
duHkhahaa = diminishing pains\\
duHkhaanaaM = material miseries\\
duHkhaalayaM = place of miseries\\
duHkhe = and distress\\
duHkhena = by miseries\\
duHkheshhu = in the threefold miseries\\
duHkhaiH = the distresses\\
duHshiila = adj. bad-tempered\\
dukhanda = hot iron\\
dugdha = milk\\
durbhraatR^i = bad brother\\
duratyayaa = very difficult to overcome\\
duraatman.h = evil natured, vile\\
duraasadaM = formidable\\
durga = fort\\
durgati = bad state , defeat\\
durgatiM = to degradation\\
durgam.h = (n) fort\\
durgaa = Goddess Durga\\
durgaaNi = impediments\\
durghaTanaa = (f) calamity, disaster\\
durjana = wicked person\\
durjanaM = bad person\\
durnigrahaM = difficult to curb\\
durniriikShyaM = difficult to see\\
durnivaara = hard to correct\\
durbala = weak\\
durbuddhi = stupid person, idiot\\
durbuddheH = evil-minded\\
durbhikSha = famine\\
durmatiH = foolish\\
durmanaH = (adj) evil-minded\\
durmedhaa = unintelligent\\
duryodhanaH = King Duryodhana\\
durlabha = ungettable\\
durlabhaM = rare (thing)\\
durlabhataraM = very rare\\
durvachana = wicked statements\\
durvaadalashyaamaM = black as the'durvA' (flower)petal\\
durvidagdha = foolishly puffed up, vain\\
durvR^itta = those having wickedness\\
durvR^ittaM = bad deed\\
dushkirtii = adj. declared evil\\
dushhkR^itaaM = of the miscreants\\
dushhkR^itinaH = miscreants\\
dushhTagraha = Aspected (Aspecting) Planet\\
dushhTabuddhii = adj. evil spirited\\
dushhTaasu = being so polluted\\
dushhpuuraM = insatiable\\
dushhpuureNa = never to be satisfied\\
dushhpraapaH = difficult to obtain\\
dustara = hard to cross\\
dussthaana = An evil position (6,8,12 Houses)\\
duhitaa = (f) daughter\\
duhkhaiH = (instr.) by sorrow(s)\\
duuta = messenger\\
duura = far\\
duuradarshakam.h = (n) telescope\\
duuradarshana = television\\
duuradarshanam.h = (n) television\\
duuradarshii = one with far-sight especially a statesman\\
duuradhvanii = telephone\\
duuravaaNiivinimayakendram.h = (n) telephone exchange\\
duurasthaM = far away\\
duureNa = discard it at a long distance\\
duurbhaashhaH = (m) telephone\\
duurvaa.nkuraiH = with the bud of `dUrva'\\
duushhaNaM = contamination\\
duushhayati = to condemn, to contaminate\\
dR^iDha = unrelenting\\
dR^iDhaM = strongly\\
dR^iDhataa = firmness, strength\\
dR^iDhanishchayaH = with determination\\
dR^iDhavrataaH = with determination\\
dR^iDhaasana = the side relaxation posture\\
dR^iDhena = strong\\
dR^ishau = eyes\\
dR^ishh = (pashyati) to see\\
dR^ishaH = eyes\\
dR^ishhTaH = observed\\
dR^ishhTavaan.h = seeing\\
dR^ishhTavaanasi = as you have seen\\
dR^ishhTiM = vision\\
dR^ishhTii = Sight\\
dR^ishhTiigochara = macroscopic\\
dR^ishhTiibheda = difference in seeing, observing or outlook\\
dR^ishhTvaa = having seen\\
dR^ikShyati = see\\
deyaM = is to be given\\
deyataa = (f) liaility\\
deyam.h = to be given\\
deva = God\\
devaM = God\\
devaH = (masc.nom.sing.) god; demi-god\\
devataa = goddess\\
devataaH = the demigods\\
devadatta = one of the vital airs, which causes yawning\\
devadattaM = the conchshell named Devadatta\\
devadaasii = God's (female) servant (word degenerated to a temple prostitute)\\
devadeva = O Lord of all demigods\\
devadevasya = of the Supreme Personality of Godhead\\
devabhogaan.h = the pleasures of the gods\\
devayajaH = the worshipers of the demigods\\
devaraH = (m) husband's younger brother\\
devarshhiH = the sage among the demigods\\
devarshhiiNaaM = of all the sages amongst the demigods\\
devalaH = Devala\\
devavara = O great one amongst the demigods\\
devavrataaH = worshipers of demigods\\
devahitaM = that which is healthy or `pro' or good for the Devas\\
devaaH = demigods\\
devaan.h = demigods\\
devaanaaM = of the demigods\\
devaaya = Divine\\
devaalayaH = (m) temple\\
devi = Godess\\
devii = Godess\\
devesha = O Lord of all lords\\
deveshhu = amongst the demigods\\
desha = country\\
deshadrohaH = (m) treason\\
deshaa.ntargata = within a country or region\\
deshe = land\\
deha = body\\
dehaM = body, existence\\
dehatrayaH = the three forms of bodies (corporal or physical, astral and causal\\
dehabhR^it.h = the embodied\\
dehabhR^itaa = by the embodied\\
dehabhR^itaaM = of the embodied\\
dehali = doorstep\\
dehavadbhiH = by the embodied\\
dehaaH = material bodies\\
dehaantara = of transference of the body\\
dehaapaaye = when life departs the body\\
dehin.h = man\\
dehinaM = of the embodied\\
dehinaaM = of the embodied\\
dehii = the self\\
dehiinaM = the living entity\\
dehiinaH = of the embodied\\
dehe = in the body\\
dehe.asmin.h = in this body\\
deheshhu = bodies\\
daitya = a demon son of Diti\\
daityaanaaM = of the demons\\
dainyayoga = Combination of planets (Yoga) which give rise to poverty. Usually it is caused by the malefic conjunctions of house lords with the lords of the 6th, 8th or 12th houses\\
daiva = destiny\\
daivaM = in worshiping the demigods\\
daivaH = godly\\
daivii = transcendental\\
daiviiM = divine\\
dogdhi = milks (from duh.h : to milk )\\
dodhayati = to explain\\
doraka = (m) rope, string\\
dolaa = swing\\
doshaiH = by faults\\
doshha = Blemish\\
doshhaM = fault\\
doshhavat.h = as an evil\\
doshhaaH = the faults\\
doshhena = with fault\\
doshhaiH = by such faults\\
daurbalyaM = weakness\\
daurmanasya = despair\\
dauhitra = (m) grandson (daughter's son)\\
dauhitri= (m) granddaughter (daughter's daughter)\\
dyaamutemaaM = sky\\
dyutaM = gambling\\
dyuti = gleam\\
dyutiM = the sunshine\\
dyau = from outer space\\
drava = liquid\\
dravaNa = melting\\
dravati = (1 pp) to melt\\
dravanti = glide\\
dravaa~NkaH = (m) melting point\\
dravya = money in terms of coins or jewlery\\
dravyamayaat.h = of material possessions\\
dravyayaGYaaH = sacrificing one's possessions\\
dravyeNa = (instr.S) money or riches or wealth\\
drashhTaa = consciousness, the 'witness,' also a statesman with insight\\
drashhTuM = to be seen\\
drakShyasi = you will see\\
draakShaa = (f) grapes\\
drupadaH = Drupada\\
drupadaputreNa = by the son of Drupada\\
druma = tree\\
dreshhkaaNa = A Varga. This is a subdivision of one third or a sign. Also known as Dreshkana\\
droNa = the teacher Drona\\
droNaM = Drona\\
droNaH = Dronacarya\\
droNii = (f) bucket\\
draupadeyaaH = the sons of Draupadi\\
dvandva = couple\\
dvandvaM = tha pair\\
dvandvaH = the dual\\
dvandvaiH = from the dualities\\
dvayaM = twin\\
dvaadashamaJNjarikaabhiH = by the bouquet consisting of 12 flowers (12\\
dvaara = entry (neut)\\
dvaaraM = door\\
dvi = two, both\\
dviguNa = twice\\
dvichakrikaa = (f) bicycle\\
dvija = brahmin, tooth\\
dvijottama = O best of the brahmanas\\
dvipa = elephant\\
dvipaada = two feet\\
dvirdvaadashaa = 2nd and 12th house from each other\\
dvividhaa = two kinds of\\
dvishhataH = envious\\
dvisvabhaavaraashi = Common Signs\\
dviipaH = (m) island\\
dve = two\\
dvesha = haterd\\
dveshha = hatred\\
dveshhaH = hatred\\
dveshhau = also detachment\\
dveshhTi = envies\\
dveshhya = the envious\\
dveshhyaH = hateful\\
dvaidhaaH = duality\\
dvau = the two\\
dhana = money\\
dhanaM = wealth\\
dhanakaaraka = Significator for Wealth which is Jupiter\\
dhanaJNjaya = O conqueror of wealth\\
dhanaJNjayaH = Dhananjaya (Arjuna, the winner of wealth)\\
dhanapati = kubera (Lord of the wealth)\\
dhanabhaava = Second house ruling over Wealth\\
dhanamaana = of wealth and false prestige\\
dhanayoga = The 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th are Wealth producing houses. Any inter-relation of their lords, by way of position aspect or conjunction, will produce money. The more strongly they are inter-related, the more wealth is promised in the birth chart, which the native will get eventually in the related major or sub-periods\\
dhanaadeshaH = (m) cheque\\
dhanaani = wealth\\
dhanikatantraM = (n) plutocracy\\
dhanishhThaa = Twenty-third nakshatra\\
dhanu = The Zodiacal sign Sagittarius\\
dhanuH = (m) a bow\\
dhanuraasana = the bow posture\\
dhanurdharaH = the carrier of the bow and arrow\\
dhanushha = The Zodiacal sign Sagittarius\\
dhanushhaM = bow\\
dhanushhaa = thro'bow\\
dhanyaH = are praiseworthy\\
dhamani = a layer within a nadi allowing for the passage of energy\\
dharaM = wearing\\
dharaNi = earth\\
dharati = to wear\\
dharayet.h = bears\\
dhartaa.asi = are the bearer or support\\
dharma = religion\\
dharmaM = doctrines\\
dharmaH = (masc.nom.sing.)(roughly)religion; life-code; way of good living;duty\\
dharmachaariNii = a wife or or a chaste virtuous wife\\
dharmachaarin = (adj) practicing virtue, observing the law, virtuous\\
dharmatantraM = (n) theocracy\\
dharmanirapekShataa = (f) secularism\\
dharmapatnii = respectable address for wife, wife from prescribed vedic rituals\\
dharmasaadhanaM = the means for doing one's duty\\
dharmasya = occupation\\
dharmakShetre = in the place of pilgrimage\\
dharmaa.ntara = proselytization\\
dharmaatmaa = righteous\\
dharmaandhaH = (m) fundamentalist\\
dharmaarthaM = For the sake of dharma\\
dharmaaviruddhaH = not against religious principles\\
dharme = religion\\
dharmeNahiinaaH = bereft of dharma or duty\\
dharmyaM = as a religious duty\\
dharmyaaNi = religious (used in plural )\\
dharmyaat.h = for religious principles\\
dharmvirahiita = adj. irreligious\\
dhavala = white\\
dhasaJNjaya = a vital air that stays in the body after death\\
dhaataa = supporter\\
dhaataaraM = the maintainer\\
dhaataaram.h = the creator\\
dhaatu = verb\\
dhaatrii = (f) nurse\\
dhaanya = grain\\
dhaama = one who has the abode\\
dhaaman.h = (n) lustre\\
dhaaraNaa = concentration\\
dhaarayate = one sustains\\
dhaarayan.h = considering\\
dhaarayaami = sustain\\
dhaaraa = (fem) rain\\
dhaariNi = wearer\\
dhaartaraashhTrasya = for the son of Dhritarashtra\\
dhaartaraashhTraaH = the sons of Dhritarashtra\\
dhaartaraashhTraaNaaM = of the sons of Dhritarashtra\\
dhaartaraashhTraan.h = the sons of Dhritarashtra\\
dhaarmikam.h = the religious one\\
dhaaryate = is utilised or exploited\\
dhaav.h = to run\\
dhik.h = to be condemned\\
dhikbalaM = dhik.h:fie upon it + balam:power or strength\\
dhiimat.h = learned man\\
dhiimataa = very intelligent\\
dhiimataaM = of those who are endowed with great wisdom\\
dhiimahi = ?\\
dhiira = courageous, steadfast\\
dhiiraM = patient\\
dhiiraH = the sober\\
dhiirataa = courage\\
dhiivara = (m) a fisherman\\
dhutavastra = Washed garment\\
dhumaH = smoke\\
dhuraa = (f) yoke, responsibility\\
dhuriNa = awakened/aroused?\\
dhuuma = smoke\\
dhuumaH = (m) smoke\\
dhuumaketuH = (m) comet\\
dhuumanirgamaH = (m) chimney\\
dhuumena = by smoke\\
dhuurta = adj. clever\\
dhuusaraH = grey\\
dhR^i = to bear\\
dhR^ita = ghee\\
dhR^itaraashhTrasya = of Dhritarashtra\\
dhR^iti = with determination\\
dhR^itiM = steadiness\\
dhR^itiH = firmness\\
dhR^itigR^ihiitayaa = carried by conviction\\
dhR^iteH = of steadiness\\
dhR^itya = by determination\\
dhR^ityaa = determination\\
dhR^ishhTaketuH = Dhrishtaketu\\
dhR^ishhTadyumnaH = Dhristadyumna (the son of King Drupada)\\
dhenu = a cow\\
dhenuunaaM = of cows\\
dhairya = courage\\
dhauta = white\\
dhmaati = to blow air into, to inflate\\
dhyaatvaa = having meditated\\
dhyaana = contemplation\\
dhyaanaM = meditation\\
dhyaanam.h = meditation\\
dhyaanayogaparaH = absorbed in trance\\
dhyaanaat.h = than meditation\\
dhyaanena = by meditation\\
dhyaaya.nti = meditate or think\\
dhyaayataH = while contemplating\\
dhyaayati= meditates\\
dhyaayantaH = meditating\\
dhyaayed.h = may we meditate\\
dhyeyaM = is to be meditated\\
dhruvaM = certainly\\
dhruvaH = a fact\\
dhruvaa = certain\\
dhruviikaraNa = polarization\\
dhvajaH = (m) flag\\
dhvani = sound\\
dhvanigraahakam.h = (n) microphone\\
dhvanivardhakam.h = (n) amplifier, loud-speaker\\
dhvanii = sound\\
dhvaniifita = audio cassette\\
na = not\\
naH = by us\\
nakulaH = (m) a mongoose\\
naktaM = in the night\\
nakta.ncharaantakam.h = the finisher(destroyer) of the\\
nakra = a crocodile\\
nakha = nail\\
naga = the vital air that causes burping\\
naTi = Actress\\
nata = Bowed\\
nataraaja = Lord of the dancers, a name of Shiva\\
nataraajaasana = the Lord of the Dance posture\\
nataaH = bowed down\\
nada = The Universal Sound. Vibration\\
nadi = (f) river\\
nadiinaaM = of the rivers\\
nanandaa = (f) husband's or wife's sister\\
nanu = really\\
nandaH = nanda\\
nandati = revels\\
nandatyeva = nandati+eva, revels alone/revels indeed\\
nandana = child\\
napu.nsakaM = neuter\\
nabhaH = the sky\\
nabhaHspR^ishaM = touching the sky\\
nabhastala = sky\\
nam.h = to salute\\
namaH = a salute\\
namati = to bow\\
namaskaara = Salutation\\
namaskaaraniichamanii = Salutation to evil minded\\
namaskuru = offer obeisances\\
namaskR^itvaa = offering obeisances\\
namaste = offering my respects unto You\\
namasyantaH = offering obeisances\\
namasyanti = are offering respects\\
namaami = I bow\\
namaamyaham.h = namAmi+ahaM, bow+I\\
nameran.h = they should offer proper obeisances\\
namo = salutation\\
namya = (adj) bendable\\
nayana = eye\\
nayanaM = eyes\\
nayet.h = must bring under\\
nara = Man\\
naraH = a man\\
naraka = hell\\
narakasya = of hell\\
narakaaya = for the hell\\
narake = in hell\\
narajanma = human birh\\
narapuN^gavaH = hero in human society\\
nararaakShasa = adj. devil incarnate\\
naralokaviiraaH = kings of human society\\
narasi.nha = the man-lion, fourth incarnation of Vishnu\\
naraaNaaM = among human beings\\
naraadhamaaH = lowest among mankind\\
naraadhamaan.h = the lowest of mankind\\
naraadhipaM = the king\\
naraiH = by men\\
narka = Hell\\
nartakii = (f) danseuse , a female dancer\\
nartana = Dance\\
nalinii = lotus\\
naliniidalagata = nalinI+dala+gata, lotus+petal+reached/gone\\
navaM = a boat\\
navakamaladala = newly blossomed lotus petal (another meaning for `nava' is\\
navadvaare = in the place where there are nine gates\\
navami = Ninth Tithi of the Moon\\
navavastu = New article\\
navaa.nsha = A Varga. The Ninth divisional harmonic. Used with the Rashi, Chandra and bhaava charts to determine a basic delineation. Used for reading the delineations of the Spouse\\
navaani = new garments\\
naviinam.h = (adj) new\\
navaiH = (instr.) new\\
nashyati = (4 pp) to perish, to be destroyed\\
nashyaatsu = being annihilated\\
nashvara = Temporary\\
nashhTa = Destroyed or missing birth data. A method of calculating the Chart when one has missing data\\
nashhTaH = scattered\\
nashhTaan.h = all ruined\\
nashhTe = being destroyed\\
nahi = No; never\\
nahyati = (4 pp) to bind\\
nakShatra = A division of the Zodiac into 27 parts. There were originally 28 parts but one seems to have been dropped. Each Division is ruled by a planet and is further divided into Padas or quarters. The nakshatra contains 9 navaa.nshas and forms the base position for lunar Dasha systems\\
nakShatram.h = (n) constellation\\
nakShatraaNaaM = of the stars\\
naaka = heaven, sky\\
naaga = snake\\
naagaphaNii = cactus\\
naagabandha = cobra pattern, a form of poetry\\
naagavalli = the paan (betel leaf)\\
naagaanaaM = of the manyhooded serpents\\
naagaashana = peacock (whose food is snakes)\\
naagendra = elephant\\
naaTaka = (m) a play , drama\\
naaDii = a channel within the subtle body\\
naaDiishodhana = the purification of the nadis\\
naaNakam.h = (n) coin\\
naath = lord\\
naatha = Protector\\
naathaaya = to the protector or lord\\
naada = Sound\\
naadaH = the sound\\
naadatte = (verb) does not wear\\
naadabrahma = Blissful tone\\
naanaa = many\\
naanaabhaavaan.h = multifarious situations\\
naanaavidhaani = variegated\\
naanR^itaM = na + anR\^itaM: not untruth\\
naantaM = no end\\
naanyaM = na+anyaM, no other\\
naanyagaaminaa = without their being deviated\\
naabhiM = navel\\
naabhijaanaati = does not know\\
naabhipedaasana = the upward ankle-twist posture\\
naabhiyaana = focussing\\
naabhiideshaM = nAbhI+deshaM, navel+region/country\\
naama = Name\\
naaman.h = name\\
naamabhiH = the names of rAma\\
naamabhirdivyaiH = by the divine `nAmAs'(names)\\
naamayati = to bend\\
naamasmaraNaat.h = (exceept) through/from rememberance of the lord's name\\
naayakaaH = captains\\
naaraN^gaphalam.h = (n) orange\\
naaradaH = Narada\\
naarasi.nhii = pertaining to Narasimha\\
naaraayaNaH = Lord Narayana\\
naaraayaaNa = the supporter of life - Vishnu\\
naarikela = coconut\\
naarikelaH = (m) coconut\\
naarikelam.h = (n) coconut\\
naarii = female\\
naariiNaaM = of women\\
naaryaH = (fem.nom.pl.) women\\
naalaH = (m) tap\\
naalikaa = (f) pipe\\
naava = a boat\\
naavaasana = the boat posture\\
naasha = destruction\\
naashaH = loss\\
naashanaM = the destroyer\\
naashanam.h = destroyer\\
naashayati = destroys\\
naashayaami = dispel\\
naashaaya = for destruction\\
naashitaM = is destroyed\\
naashha = destruction\\
naasaabhyantara = within the nostrils\\
naasikaa = nose\\
naasti = na+asti, not there\\
ni = down\\
ni+vid.h = to tell\\
ni+vR^it.h = to go away\\
ni.HkR^ishThkuliinaH = adj. born to a lowly family\\
niH = without\\
niHsheshha = remainderless\\
niHshreNikaa = (f) ladder\\
niHshreyasakarau = leading to the path of liberation\\
niHspR^ihaH = desireless\\
niHsvana = silent (without sound)\\
nikaH = rays\\
nikR^ishhTa = inferior\\
nigachchhati = attains\\
nigaDaH = (m) handcuffs\\
nigamaH = (m) corporation\\
niguuDhaa = cast in\\
nigR^ihiitaani = so curbed down\\
nigR^ihNaami = withhold\\
nigrahaM = subduing\\
nigrahaH = repression\\
nichR^idgaayatriichchha.ndaH = the prosody form is `nichR\^it.h gAyatrii'\\
nicholaH = (m) skirt\\
nija = one's own\\
nijakarma = nija+karma, one's+duty(normal work)\\
nitaM = has been led\\
nitya = always\\
nityaM = daily/always\\
nityaH = eternal\\
nityajaataM = always born\\
nityatvaM = constancy\\
nityam.h = ever\\
nityamadhiiyataaM = daily, may be studied\\
nityayuktaH = always engaged\\
nityayuktaaH = perpetually engaged\\
nityavairiNa = by the eternal enemy\\
nityashaH = regularly\\
nityasattvasthaH = in a pure state of spiritual existence\\
nityasya = eternal in existence\\
nityaaH = in eternity\\
nididhyaasana = meditation and contemplation\\
nidolaH = (m) pendulum\\
nidraa = sleep\\
nidraabhiH = and sleep\\
nidhanaM = destruction\\
nidhanaani = when vanquished\\
nidhaanaM = resting place\\
nidhaanikaa = (f) cupboard, almariah\\
nidhi = reservoir, treasure\\
ninaada = sound\\
nind.h = to condemn\\
nindati = (1 pp) to blame\\
nindantaH = while vilifying\\
nindaa = in defamation\\
nipaana = (n) a pond\\
nipuuNaH = (M) skilled\\
nibaddha = tied down (from bandh)\\
nibaddhaH = conditioned\\
nibadhnanti = bind\\
nibadhnaati = binds\\
nibadhyate = becomes affected\\
nibadh{}nanti = do bind\\
nibandhaaya = for bondage\\
nibodha = just take note of, be informed\\
nibodhita(H) = (masc.Nom.sing.)having been enlightened\\
nibhR^ita = are served\\
nimajjati = to drown\\
nimittamaatraM = just the cause\\
nimittaani = causes\\
nimishhan.h = closing\\
nimiilita = closed\\
nimeshhaat.h = in the twinkling of the eye\\
nimnagaa = (f) river\\
nimba = neem\\
niyata = Discipline\\
niyataM = always\\
niyatamanasaH = with a regulated mind\\
niyatasya = prescribed\\
niyataaH = controlled\\
niyataatmabhiH = by the self-controlled\\
niyantaa = controller\\
niyama = self-purification through discipline\\
niyamaM = regulations\\
niyamaadeva = control alone(niyamAt.h eva)\\
niyamita = regular, constant\\
niyamya = regulating\\
niyojana = planning\\
niyojaya = (verbal stem) make ready\\
niyojayasi = You are engaging\\
niyojitaH = engaged\\
niyokShyati = will engage\\
niraJNjana = pure, free from falsehood\\
nirataH = engaged\\
niratiyasha = (adj) unsurpassed, perfect\\
nirapavaadaH = free from blemish\\
nirayana = Sidereal or fixed Zodiac without precession\\
nirarthakaM = needlessly\\
nirasta = removed\\
nirahaN^kaaraH = without false ego\\
nira~Nkushataa = (f) despotism\\
niraamaya = (adj) healthy, disease-free\\
niraalamba = unsupported\\
niraashiiH = without desire for profit\\
niraashrayaH = without any shelter\\
niraahaarasya = by negative restrictions\\
nirikShaka = inspector, observer\\
nirikShaNa = observation\\
nirikShaNa = inspection\\
nirikShaNa = observation\\
niriikShaNaM = (n) inspection\\
niriiha = the desireless person\\
niriihataa = Lack of desire\\
niriikShe = may look upon\\
niruddhaM = being restrained from matter\\
nirudhya = confining\\
nirodha = control or restraint\\
nirguNaM = without material qualities\\
nirguNatvaat.h = due to being transcendental\\
nirghaata = trauma\\
nirdaalana = Destruction\\
nirdishati = to indicate, to point out\\
nirdeshaH = indication\\
nirdeshakaH = (m) director\\
nirdoshhaM = flawless\\
nirdvandvaH = without duality\\
nirdhana = poor\\
nirdhanayoga = Combinations for poverty\\
nirdhuuta = cleansed\\
nirbhara = dependent\\
nirmamaH = without a sense of proprietorship\\
nirmala = clear\\
nirmalaM = purified\\
nirmalatvaat.h = being purest in the material world\\
nirmaa = to create\\
nirmita = made\\
nirmitavataH = of the author\\
nirmuktaaH = free from\\
nirmuulana = uprootment\\
nirmohatvaM = non-infatuated state/clearheadedness\\
niryaataH = (m) export\\
niryaasaH = (m) gum, glue\\
niryogakShemaH = free from ideas of gain and protection\\
nirlipta = unstainedness\\
nirvaachana = (m ?) election\\
nirvaaNa = freedom of the personal soul from the physical world\\
nirvaaNaparamaaM = cessation of material existence\\
nirvaata = (adj) windless\\
nirvaapayati = to douse\\
nirvaahakaH = (m) conductor\\
nirvikaaraH = without change\\
nirvichaara = non-investigational meditation\\
nirvitarka = non-inspectional meditation\\
nirvisheshha = Ordinary\\
nirvR^itiM = non-engagement, non-performance, release from bondage, salvation\\
nirvedaM = callousness\\
nirvairaH = without an enemy\\
nilimpa = a pictured one: a god\\
nivarta.nte = return(Verb Pr.III P. plural PP)\\
nivartate = he ceases from\\
nivartanti = they come back\\
nivartante = come back\\
nivartituM = to cease\\
nivasati = lives/dwells\\
nivasishhyasi = you will live\\
nivaha = flow\\
nivahena= by carrying\\
nivaatasthaH = in a place without wind\\
nivaasa = residence\\
nivaasaH = living\\
nivR^ittiM = not acting improperly\\
niveshaya = apply\\
nishaa = Night\\
nishaachara = animals who roam around in the dark or night\\
nishaacharachamuu = the army of the night-wanderers(demons)\\
nishita = sharpened\\
nishiitha = night\\
nisheka = Coital Chart\\
nishchaya = determination\\
nishchayaM = certainty\\
nishchayaH = in certainty\\
nishchayena = with firm determination\\
nishchalatattvaM = tranquillity/imperturbability\\
nishchalati = becomes verily agitated\\
nishchalaa = unmoved\\
nishchaayakapramaaNena = thro'confirmation and proof\\
nishchita = determined, ascertained\\
nishchitaM = confidently\\
nishchitaaH = having ascertained\\
nishchitya = ascertaining\\
nishhkaasayati = to remove, to take off\\
nishhkoshhayati = to peel\\
nishhThaa = (f) trust\\
nishhThiivati = to spit\\
nishhpaavaH = (m) peas\\
nishhpiiDayati = to squeeze\\
nistraiguNyaH = transcendental to the three modes of material nature\\
nispR^ihaH = devoid of desire\\
nissaN^gatvaM = aloneness/non-attachment/detachment\\
nisspR^iha = one who has no desire\\
nihataaH = killed\\
nihatya = by killing\\
nihan.h = destroy\\
nikShipati = to throw in\\
nikShepaNaya = for putting down (the next step)\\
nii = to take\\
niicha = the inferior man\\
niichaM = low\\
niichabhaN^ga = neechabhanga Raja Yoga. A combination whereby a debilitated planet by virtue of its placement and association of relevant planets can reverse and bestow great wealth and power\\
niichamanii = Evil minded\\
niiDa = (masc, neut) nest\\
niita = taken\\
niitiH = morality\\
niiraja = (n) lotus\\
niiradaabham.h = bearing a resemblance to rain-bearing cloud i.e with\\
niiruja = free from disease\\
niire = water\\
niila = (adj) blue\\
niilalohitaH = navy blue colour\\
niilaabja = blue lotus\\
niilotpalashyaamaM = bearing the bluish black colour of blue lilies\\
nu = of course\\
nuta = praised\\
nuunaM = really\\
nR^i = man\\
nR^ityati = (6 pp) to dance\\
nR^ipa = (m) king\\
nR^ipatva = The title of king\\
nR^iloke = in this material world\\
nR^isha.nsa = wicked\\
nR^ishhu = in men\\
ne = not\\
netaa = (m) leader\\
neti = not so\\
netiyoga = cleansing of the nostrils\\
netR^ittva = leadership\\
netra = eye\\
netraM = eyes\\
neyaM = is to be lead/taken\\
naiva = never is it so\\
naishaa = na + eshA:no + this(fem.)\\
naishhkarmyaM = freedom from reaction\\
naishhkarmyakarma = actionless action\\
naishhkarmyasiddhiM = the perfection of nonreaction\\
naishhkR^itikaH = expert in insulting others\\
naishhThikiiM = unflinching\\
naisargikabala = Natural strength and a part of Shad Bala or Six strength calculation method of planetary weighting\\
no = nor\\
nau = us\\
naukaa = Boat\\
naukiilakam.h = (n) anchor\\
nauli = an abdominal exercise (lauliki)\\
nyaaya = justice\\
nyaayalayaH = (m) court\\
nyaayavaadii = (m) lawyer\\
nyaayaadhishaH = (m) judge\\
nyaayyaM = right\\
nyaasa = set\\
nyaasaM = renunciation\\
pa.nka = mud\\
pa.ngu = cripple\\
pa.ncha = five\\
pa.nchatva.ngaM = to die\\
pa.nchamaH = (Masc.Nom.S)the fifth\\
pa.nDitaH = (Masc.nom.Sing.)learned person\\
pa.nthaa = way\\
pa.nthaaH = (masc.Nom.Sing.) path; way\\
pa.nthaanaH = ways; paths\\
pakvaM = ripe\\
pakShavaadyaM = (n) pakhaavaj\\
paN^ka = mud\\
paN^kti = spectrum\\
paN^ktidarshii = spectroscope\\
paN^ktimaapii = spectrometer\\
paN^ktilekhaa = spectrograph\\
pachati = (1 pp) to cook\\
pachanti = prepare food\\
pachaami = I digest\\
pachyante = are cooked?\\
paJNcha = five\\
paJNchamaM = the fifth\\
paTa = spectrogram\\
paTagR^iham.h = (n) a tent\\
paTu = (adj) skilled, clever\\
paTh.h = to read\\
paThanaM = reading\\
paThaniiyaa = should be read\\
paThaami = read\\
paThitvaa = after reading\\
paThet.h = may read\\
paNa = Play\\
paNana = bargain\\
paNanayogya = marketable\\
paNanayogyataa = marketability\\
paNavaanaka = small drums and kettledrums\\
paNDita = learned man\\
paNDitaM = learned\\
paNDitaaH = the learned\\
paNdita = the wise man\\
pat.h = to fall\\
pataga = Bird\\
pataN^gaaH = moths\\
patati = (1 pp) to fall\\
patatrin.h = bird\\
patana = falling\\
patanti = fall down\\
pataye = husband\\
pati = husband\\
patigR^ihaM = (Nr.Acc.sing.) husband's house\\
patitaM = fallen (past part.)\\
patireka = He is the One Lord\\
pattaH = (m) lease\\
patni = wife\\
patnii = wife\\
patyuH = Lord's\\
patraM = a leaf\\
patrakaaraH = (m) journalist\\
patrataa = (f) eligibility\\
patrapeTikaa = (m) letter-box\\
patram.h = (n) a letter, note\\
patravaahaH = (m) postman\\
patraalayam.h = (n) post office\\
path.h = road\\
pathi = on the path\\
pathika = traveller\\
pathya = suitable\\
pada = step\\
padaM = the step\\
padakam.h = (n) medal\\
padaani = words or steps\\
padaiH = by the aphorisms\\
padonnatiH = (f) promotion\\
paddhati = method\\
paddhati = system\\
paddhati = (f) mode\\
padma = lotus\\
padmanaabha = a name of Vishnu\\
padmapatraM = a lotus leaf\\
padmaasana = the lotus posture\\
padmaakShaM = lotus-eyed\\
panaparaH = Succedant houses. Houses 2, 5, 8 and 11\\
panasaphalam.h = (n) jackfruit\\
pankajasthiita = adj. gutter fallen\\
panchamii = Fifth lunar Tithi\\
panchaaN^ga = Fivefold method of forecasting. Also the name of a Vedic Astrological Almanac. It is based upon Vara, nakshatra, Tithi, karaNa and Yoga\\
pantha = sects, based on the word path\\
panthaH = wayfarer?\\
papakartariyoga = Hemmed in between 2 malefics\\
payas.h = water\\
payoda = cloud (one who gives water)\\
payodhara = cloud\\
payodhi = (m) sea, ocean\\
payodhii = sea (one that stores water)\\
para = other\\
parapiiDaa = harrasment of others\\
paraM = better\\
para.ntapa = O chastiser of the enemies\\
paraMparaa = tradition\\
paraH = in the next life\\
parataH = superior\\
parataraM = superior\\
parataraH = later\\
paradesha = foreign land, foreign country\\
paradeshasahama = Sensitive point related to foreign travel\\
paradeshii = alien\\
paradharmaH = duties prescribed for others\\
paradharmaat.h = than duties mentioned for others\\
parantapa = O Arjuna, subduer of the enemies\\
parantapaH = the chastiser of the enemies\\
parantu = but, on the other hand\\
paraprakaashita = reflectively illumined like planets or moon\\
parama = highest, the utmost, most excellent\\
paramaM ##} (paramaM) = supreme\\
paramaH ##} (paramaH) = perfect\\
paramaha.nsa ##} (paramaha.nsa) = a highest spiritual/discriminatory state(from Swan)\\
paramaa = greatest\\
paramaaM = the supreme\\
paramaaH = the highest goal of life\\
paramaaNubhaaraH = (m) atomic weight\\
paramaatma = the Supersoul\\
paramaatman.h = The soul within the Divine sphere\\
paramaatmaa = the supreme spirit\\
paramaadhikaaraH = (m) prerogative\\
paramaananda = one who leads to the greatest happiness\\
paramesha = God\\
parameshvara = O Supreme Lord\\
parameshvaraM = the Supersoul\\
parameshhvaasaH = the great archer\\
paramparaa = by disciplic succession\\
parayaa = of a high grade\\
parashuH = (m) axe\\
parashuraama = sixth incarnation of Vishnu\\
parashvaH = day after tomorrow\\
parastaat.h = transcendental\\
paraspara = mutually\\
parasparaM = mutually\\
parasya = to others\\
parahaste = (loc.sing.) in other person's hand\\
parahyaH = day before yesterday\\
paraa = beyond, higher\\
paraaM = transcendental\\
paraakrama = valor\\
paraakramaH = the daring warrior\\
paraakramaaNaaM = of valients\\
paraaN^gmukhii = facing inwards\\
paraaNi = superior\\
paraabodhaavasthaa = supramental\\
paraamaanasashaastra = parapsychology\\
paraayaNaM = the one to be worshipped\\
paraayaNaH = being so destined\\
paraayaNaaH = so inclined\\
paraardha = other end\\
paraashara = Maharishi Parashar(a). One of the Fathers of Vedic Astrology. Author of the text which is the basis for the most commonly used Astrological System in India\\
pari = sufficiently\\
pari+aT.h = to tour\\
parikaraH = attempt\\
parikiirtitaH = is declared\\
pariklishhTaM = grudgingly\\
parigiiyamaana = singing\\
parigraha = hoarding\\
parigrahaM = and acceptance of material things\\
parigrahaH= sense of proprietorship over possessions\\
parigha = a bolt for shutting a gate\\
parighaasana = the locked gate posture\\
parichaya = familiarity\\
parichayaat.h = (masc.abl.sing.) from familiarity; from knowing the facts\\
paricharya = service\\
parichakShate = is called\\
parichintayan.h = thinking of\\
parichhinna = precise (literally, cut around)\\
pariNaama = effect\\
pariNaame = at the end\\
paritoshha = satisfaction\\
parityakta = deprived of\\
parityaj.h = to sacrifice\\
parityajya = abandoning\\
parityaagaH = renunciation\\
parityaagii = renouncer\\
paritraaNaaya = for the deliverance\\
paridahyate = is burning\\
paridevanaa = lamentation\\
paridrohaH = (m) insurrection\\
pariniyamaH = (m) statute\\
pariniriikShaa = (f) scrutiny\\
paripakvataa = maturity\\
paripanthinau = stumbling blocks\\
paripaalana = Protection\\
paripaalanaM = observance/governance\\
paripaalaya = please maintain and cultivate\\
paripuurNa = full\\
paripR^ichchhaa = (f) enquiry\\
pariprachchh.h = to enquire\\
pariprashnena = by submissive inquiries\\
paribhaavaya = deem well/visualise\\
parimaaNa = quantity\\
parimaargitavyaM = has to be searched out\\
parimiti = (f) limits, boundary\\
parilobhanaM = enticement\\
parivartana = Exchange of two signs\\
parivartanaM = (n) transformation, change\\
parivartin.h = one that changes\\
parivaaraH = (m) relatives, family\\
pariveshhayati = to serve food\\
pariveshhTR^i = attendent\\
parivraajaka = wanderer\\
parishaantaa = that gives peace or solace\\
parishishhTaM = (n) appendix\\
parishushhyati = is drying up\\
parisamapyate = end\\
parihaaraH = (m) compensation\\
parihaasaH = (m) joke\\
parihR^i = to abandon\\
parikShaa = examination\\
parikShaa = test\\
pariGYaataa = the knower\\
pariikShate = to examine\\
pariikShaa = test\\
parusha = (adj) rough\\
pare = in the lofty;high;supreme\\
paropakaara = benefitting others (para-upakAra)\\
paropakaaraaya = (Dative S) for helping others or for doing good to others\\
paropadeshe = (Loc.S) in advising others\\
parjanyaH = rain\\
parjanyaat.h = from rains\\
parNa = leaf\\
parNakuTii = (f) a thatched hut\\
parNaani = the leaves\\
paryaN^ka = a bed\\
paryantaM = including\\
paryavekShaNaM = (n) supervision\\
paryaaptaM = limited\\
paryupaasate = worship perfectly\\
paryushhitaM = decomposed\\
parvata = mountain\\
parvataasana = the mountain posture\\
pala = Moment\\
palaaNDuH = (m) onion\\
palaayituM = to run away\\
palitaM = ripened(grey)\\
pallavaM = (Nr.Acc,sing,) leaf/petal\\
pavataaM = of all that purifies\\
pavana = breeze\\
pavanaH = air/breath\\
pavanamuktaasana = the knee squeeze posture\\
pavitraM = sanctified\\
pashu = animal\\
pashubhiH = (instr.pl.) animals\\
pashchaat.h = later\\
pashchaaddhanta = later on in the end\\
pashchima = west, the back of the body\\
pashchimottoanaasana = the back-stretching posture\\
pashya = see (from dRish.h)\\
pashyataH = for the introspective\\
pashyati = sees\\
pashyan.h = seeing\\
pashyanti = see\\
pashyannapi = even after seeing\\
pashyaatmaanaM = see your own self\\
pashyaama = we see\\
pashyaami = I see\\
pashyet.h = see\\
pashyemaakShabhiH = May we see through the eyes\\
pashyemaakShabhiryajatraaH = may we see with eyes?\\
pakSha = (m) political party, fortnight\\
pakShabala = Strength based on the Lunar phases. Used in Shad Bala calculations\\
pakShayoH = to the parties\\
pakShiNaaaM = of birds\\
pakShin.h = (masc) bird\\
pakShma = eyelid\\
pa~nchatantrii = (f) banjo, bulbul-tarang\\
paa = to bless\\
paa.nDityaM = punditry; expertise or scholarliness\\
paakashaalaa = (f) kitchen\\
paakasiddhii = cooking\\
paaJNchajanyaM = the conchshell named Pancajanya\\
paaJNchaalikaa = (f) doll\\
paaTalam.h = (n) rose flower\\
paaThayati = (1 pp, causative) to teach\\
paaThashaalaa = (f) school\\
paaThiinaH = (m) prawns\\
paaThyakrama = syllabus\\
paaNi = hands\\
paaNDava = O son of Pandu\\
paaNDavaH = Arjuna (the son of Pandu)\\
paaNDavaaH = the sons of Pandu\\
paaNDavaanaaM = of the Pandavas\\
paaNDavaaniikaM = the soldiers of the Pandavas\\
paaNDitya = wisdom\\
paaNDuputraaNaaM = of the sons of Pandu\\
paatakaM = sinful reactions\\
paatakamuula = adj. essentially criminal\\
paataJNjalii = author of the Yoga Sutras\\
paataala = nether-world\\
paatita = taken down\\
paatu = may he protect\\
paatuM = (infinitive) to drink\\
paatra = vessel\\
paatre = to a suitable person\\
paada = foot\\
paadaM = and legs\\
paadatraaNam.h = (n) shoes\\
paadahastaasana = the balancing forward bend posture\\
paadaa.nshukam.h = (n) pyjama\\
paadaaN^gushhTha = the big toe\\
paadaasana = the foot above posture\\
paadau = feet\\
paana = drinking\\
paantha = traveller\\
paapa = Bad deed\\
paapaM = sin\\
paapakR^ittamaH = the greatest sinner\\
paapaghniiM = which kills the sins (the hymn)\\
paapajanya = adj. derived from sin, son of sin :-)\\
paapayonayaH = born of a lower family\\
paapavaasaniik.h = adj. desirous of sin\\
paapaaH = sinners\\
paapaacharaNaM = pApa+AcharaNa, sin-practising\\
paapaat.h = from sins\\
paapaatmanaaM = of the wicked people\\
paapaatmaa = wicked people, sinners\\
paapiiyaan.h = sinner\\
paapena = by sin\\
paapebhyaH = of sinners\\
paapeshhu = unto the sinners\\
paapaiH = sin\\
paapmaanaM = the great symbol of sin\\
paaraM = limit\\
paaraMpaarika = traditional\\
paaradarshaka = (adj) transparent, clear\\
paarapatraM = (n) passport\\
paarameshhTya = supreme rulership\\
paaritoshhikaM = (n) reward, prize\\
paarushhyaM = harshness\\
paartha = O son of Pritha\\
paarthaH = Arjuna\\
paarthasya = and Arjuna\\
paarthaaya = unto Arjuna\\
paarshva = the side\\
paarshvadhanuraasana = the sideways bow posture\\
paarshvashirshhaasana = the headstand posture\\
paarshvasarvaaN^gaasana = the sideways shoulderstand posture\\
paarshvahalaasana = the lateral plough posture\\
paarshvaakakaasana = the sideways crow posture\\
paarshhNiH = (m) heel\\
paalaniiya = should be protected or observed\\
paalayati = (10 up) to protect\\
paavaka = gold\\
paavakaH = fire\\
paavanaani = purifying\\
paasha = a trap, noose, binding of the material world or relatives\\
paashaM = rope/ties\\
paashaasana = the noose posture\\
paahi = protect\\
pi.nDe = truncated or lump of a body or rice/flourball given in oblation\\
pikaH = cuckoo\\
piN^galaa = the channel on the right of the spine\\
pichchham.h = (n) feather\\
piJNcha = the chin, feather\\
piJNjaH = (m) an electirc switch\\
piDaa = pain\\
piNDa = morsel of food\\
pitaraH = fathers\\
pitaa = father\\
pitaamaha = (m) grandfather (father's father)\\
pitaamahaH = the grandfather\\
pitaamahaaH = grandfathers\\
pitaamahaan.h = grandfathers\\
pitaamahi = (f) grandmother (father's mother)\\
pitaambara = yellow sacred clean cloth worn by gods and priest\\
pitR^i = father\\
pitR^ikaaraka = Significator of Father which is the Sun\\
pitR^in.h = fathers\\
pitR^ivrataaH = worshipers of ancestors\\
pitR^iiNaaM = of the ancestors\\
pitR^iin.h = to the ancestors\\
piteva = like a father\\
pitta = Biological Fire humour. Used in Ayurvedic Medical Typology\\
pidadhaati = to close\\
pidhaanam.h = (n) cork\\
pipaasaa = thirst\\
pipaasita = thirsty\\
pipiilikaa = ant\\
pib.h = to drink\\
piba.ntu = (Vr.Imp.III P Pl.PP) let them drink\\
pibati = (1 pp) to drink\\
pibet.h = (Verb. Imp. III P.S.PP) may one drink\\
pihitapatram.h = (n) an envelope\\
piiTha = sitting base\\
piiDana = harrasment\\
piiDayati = (10 up) to oppress\\
piiDayaa = by torture\\
piiDita = Distress. Usually caused by Combust position of planet\\
piiDyante = (Passive Verb.Pr.III Per.Pl.PP) are afflicted\\
piita = yellow\\
piitaM = yellow\\
piitavaasasam.h = wearing the yellow dress\\
pu.nDariika = lotus\\
pu.nlingaM = masculine\\
pu.nsaH = of a person\\
pu.nsaaM = to the males (to all people)\\
pu.nstriiliN^ge = masculine\\
puchchha = tail\\
puchchham.h = (n) tail\\
pujayati = (10 pp) to worship\\
pujaarii = priest\\
puTaka = folliculus\\
puTiikaroti = to fold, to roll (a carpet)\\
puNya = purification acquired by virtuous deeds\\
puNyaM = pious\\
puNyaH = original\\
puNyakarmaNaaM = of the pious\\
puNyakR^itaM = of those who performed pious activities\\
puNyaphalaM = result of pious work\\
puNyaaH = righteous\\
puNyaapuNya = virtues \ + sins\\
puNyaaya = (Dative S) for virtu\\
puNye = the results of their pious activities\\
putra = son\\
putrabhaava = House of children or the 5th\\
putraH = son\\
putrakaaraka = Significator of Offspring\\
putrakR^itakaan.h = as a son\\
putrasya = with a son\\
putraaH = sons\\
putraadapi = even from the the son\\
putraan.h = sons\\
putrii = with daughter(s)(here it may mean, a man with issues)\\
putre = in(towards) the son\\
putrau = 2 sons of\\
punaH = again (on the other hand)\\
punarapi = punaH+api, again \& again\\
punaravasuu = Seventh nakshatra\\
punarjanma = rebirth\\
punashcha = and again\\
punaami = shall purify\\
punkhitashara = feathered arrow\\
pumaan.h = a person\\
puraH = before or in front, East is considered front for auspicious occasion\\
puraka = inhalation\\
purataH = in front\\
purato = in the front\\
purandhrii = wife\\
puramathana = O Destroyer of Tripura\\
puraskaaraH = (m) prize, award\\
purastaat.h = from the front\\
puraa = formerly\\
puraakoshhaH = (m) lexicon\\
puraaNaM = the oldest\\
puraaNaH = the oldest\\
puraaNapurushhottamaH = the ancient \&the best of men\\
puraaNaaH = Purana\\
puraaNii = very old\\
puraatanaH = very old\\
purii = stronghold, city\\
purujit.h = Purujit\\
purushha = man\\
purushhaM = to a person\\
purushhaH = person\\
purushharshhabha = O best among men\\
purushhavyaaghra = O tiger among human beings\\
purushhasya = of a man\\
purushhaaH = such persons\\
purushhaat.h = from the person\\
purushhottama = O Supreme Person\\
purushhottamaM = the Supreme Personality of Godhead\\
purushhottamaH = as the Supreme Personality\\
purushhau = living entities\\
pure = in the city\\
purodhasaaM = of all priests\\
purohita = priest\\
purNatva = perfection\\
purvottana = the front of the body\\
purvottanaasana = the front-stretching posture\\
pulakita = shivering with joy\\
pushkala = a lot\\
pushya = Eighth nakshatra\\
pushhkalaabhiH = Vedic hymns\\
pushhTiH = (f) confirmation\\
pushhNaami = am nourishing\\
pushhpa = flower\\
pushhpaM = a flower\\
pushhpadhaanii = (f) vase, flower-pot\\
pushhpita = one that has flowered\\
pushhpitaaM = flowery\\
pushhpitaagraM = flowertipped (also the metre with that name)\\
pushhya = Eighth nakshatra\\
pushhyati = (4 pp) to nourish\\
pustaka = book\\
pu~njaH = (m) mass (phy.)\\
pu~njakendraM = (n) centre of mass\\
puuj.h = to worship\\
puuja = ritual\\
puujana = worship\\
puujayati = to worship\\
puujaa = Hindu ritual sometimes done to propitiate a planet\\
puujaaM = Worship\\
puujaagR^iham.h = (n) the puja room\\
puujaanaM = worship\\
puujaarhau = those who are worshipable\\
puujaavidhiM = methods of worship\\
puujaasthaanaM = (Nr.nom. + acc.S) the place of worship; altar\\
puujita = worshiped\\
puujya.nte = are worshipped (verb passive Pr.IIIP, pl.)\\
puujyaH = worshipable\\
puujyate = is worshipped\\
puuta = purified\\
puutaaH = being purified\\
puuti = bad-smelling\\
puur.h = to fill\\
puura = flood\\
puuraya = (verbal stem) to fill\\
puurayati = to pour\\
puurushhaH = a man\\
puurNaH = the complete, perfect one\\
puurNamadaH = complete; whole; is that (the other worlds?)\\
puurNamidaM = complete and wwhole is this world\\
puurNamudachyate = complete whole is produced\\
puurNaviraama = full stop, period\\
puurNaat.h = From he Complete whole\\
puurnaayu = Full lifespan taken as 75-120 years\\
puurva = previous\\
puurvaM = before, ago\\
puurvaka = (m) ancestors\\
puurvataraM = in ancient times\\
puurvameva = by previous arrangement\\
puurvaruupaM = having this form in the beginning\\
puurvaaNi = before\\
puurvaaphalguni = Eleventh nakshatra, (also just puurvaa)\\
puurvaabhadrapada = Twenty-fifth nakshatra\\
puurvaashhaDhaa = Twentieth nakshatra\\
puurve = before\\
puurvaiH = by the predecessors\\
puushhaa = a god?\\
puushhNa = a name of Sun\\
pR^ichchhati = inquires/asks/minds\\
pR^ichchhaa = demand\\
pR^ichchhaami = ask\\
pR^ichhati = (6 pp) to ask, to question\\
pR^ithak.h = each separately\\
pR^ithakkaraNam.h = (n) analysis\\
pR^ithaktvena = in duality\\
pR^ithag.hvidhaM = of different kinds\\
pR^ithag.hvidhaaH = variously arranged\\
pR^ithag.hvidhaan.h = different\\
pR^ithagbhaavaM = separated identities\\
pR^ithiviiM = Earth\\
pR^ithiviipate = O King\\
pR^ithivyaaM = in the earth\\
pR^ithvii = earth\\
pR^ishhThataH = (adv) above\\
pR^ishhThebhaanuH = pRishhThe+bhaanuH, behind+sun\\
peya = should be drunk\\
poTalikaa = (f) a sack\\
potaka = young one of an animal\\
poshhaka = nutrient\\
pau.nDraM = the conch named Paundra\\
pautra = (m) grandson (son's son)\\
pautraaH = grandsons\\
pautraan.h = grandsons\\
pautri = (f) granddaughter (son's daughter)\\
paura = (masc) townsman\\
paurushha = manliness, virility, courage, effort\\
paurushhaM = ability\\
paurvadehikaM = from the previous body\\
paulastya = ravaNa\\
pkasha = (masc) wing\\
pra+chal.h = to agitate\\
pra+sha.ns.h = to praise\\
pra+sah.h = to withstand, endure\\
prakaTitaa = has appeared , been bestowed\\
prakaroti = do\\
prakaara = variety, options\\
prakaareNa = means; method\\
prakaala = Armageddon\\
prakaasha = shining, clear\\
prakaashaM = illumination\\
prakaashaH = manifest\\
prakaashakaM = illuminating\\
prakaashate = to shine\\
prakaashana = Publication\\
prakaashayati = discloses\\
prakiirtya = by the glories\\
prakR^iti = Nature\\
prakR^itiM = nature\\
prakR^itiH = nature\\
prakR^itijaan.h = produced by the material nature\\
prakR^itijaiH = born of the modes of material nature\\
prakR^itisthaH = being situated in the material energy\\
prakR^itii = Nature\\
prakR^iteH = of material nature\\
prakR^ityaa = by nature\\
prakopa = aggravation\\
prakoshhThaH = (m) room\\
prakriyaa = process\\
prakriyaa = process\\
pragatiH = (f) progress\\
praGyaa = intellect\\
prachalita = something that has started\\
prachura = many\\
prachodayaat.h = (abl.Sing.)from His inducement or stirring the consciousness\\
prachchhanna = (adj) clandestine\\
prajanaH = the cause for begetting children\\
prajahaati = gives up\\
prajahi = curb\\
prajaa = people, subjects (especially ruled and protected by a king)\\
prajaaH = generations\\
prajaata.ntuM = the umbilical cord?\\
prajaanaaM = (dative of)people\\
prajaanaati = knows\\
prajaanaami = do I know\\
prajaapati = Lord of created beings\\
prajaapatiH = the Lord of creatures\\
prajaaprabhutvaM = (n) democracy\\
prajvaalitaH = ( ger.asc.nom.sing.)rekindled; inflamed;fuelled the flames\\
praNamya = offering obeisances\\
praNayena = out of love\\
praNava = another name for AUM\\
praNavaH = the three letters a-u-m\\
praNashyati = one falls down\\
praNashyanti = become vanquished\\
praNashyaami = am lost\\
praNashhTaH = dispelled\\
praNaali = (f) system\\
praNaalii = system\\
praNidhaana = dedication\\
praNidhaaya = laying down\\
praNipaatena = by approaching a spiritual master\\
praNudati = to push, to press, to ring a bell\\
prata = Quality\\
pratapanti = are scorching\\
prataapavaan.h = the valiant\\
prati = towards\\
pratikraanti = counter\\
pratijaaniihi = declare\\
pratijaane = I promise\\
pratidinaM = every day\\
pratinidhiH = (m) representative\\
pratinivishhTa = perverse, obstinate\\
pratipatti = (f) (noun-verb) getting (gerund)\\
pratipad.h = root word for 'to get'\\
pratipadyate = attains\\
pratibimbam.h = (n) reflection\\
pratibhuuti = security\\
pratibhuuti = security\\
pratibhuutiH = (m) secirities\\
pratimaa = (f) statue\\
pratiyotsyaami = shall counterattack\\
pratiloma = going against the grain\\
prativasati = lives adjunctly\\
prativaahakataa = susceptibility\\
prativR^itta = report\\
prativeshin.h = (m) neighbour\\
pratishhThaa = the rest\\
pratishhThaapya = placing\\
pratishhThitaM = situated\\
pratishhThitaa = fixed\\
pratiichii = (f) west\\
pratyaya = phenomenon\\
pratyavaayaH = diminution\\
pratyakSha = direct evidence\\
pratyakShaM = standing before the eye\\
pratyaakhyaati = to rebuff\\
pratyaaniikeshhu = on the opposite sides\\
pratyaastha = (adj) elastic\\
pratyaahaara = control of the senses\\
pratyupakaaraarthaM = for the sake of getting some return\\
prathama = first\\
prathamaM = in the first place\\
prathamopachaaraH = (m) first-aid\\
prathaa = (f) fame\\
prathita = renowned\\
prathitaH = celebrated\\
pradadhmatuH = sounded\\
pradarshayati = to display, to exhibit\\
pradarshinii = (f) exhibition\\
pradaa = one that bestows\\
pradaaH = causing\\
pradaana = giving\\
pradigdhaan.h = tainted with\\
pradishhTaM = indicated\\
pradiipaH = (Masc.Nom.S)lamp; name of a person\\
pradiiptaM = blazing\\
pradushhyanti = become polluted\\
pradeya = worth diving\\
pradesha = Territory\\
pradvishhantaH = blaspheming\\
pradhaana = important\\
prapadyate = surrenders\\
prapadyante = surrender\\
prapadye = surrender\\
prapannaM = surrendered\\
prapashya = just see\\
prapashyadbhiH = by those who can see\\
prapashyaami = I see\\
prapitaamahaH = the great-grandfather\\
prabandhaH = (m) thesis\\
prabhavaM = origin, opulences\\
prabhavaH = the source of manifestation\\
prabhavati = is manifest\\
prabhavanti = become manifest\\
prabhavasya = of borned\\
prabhavaan.h = born of\\
prabhavishhNu = developing\\
prabhavaiH = born of\\
prabhaa = light\\
prabhaata = morning\\
prabhaavaH = influence\\
prabhaashheta = speaks\\
prabhu = lord, king (here)\\
prabhuH = the master of the city of the body\\
prabhuddho = having risen( after sleep, unconscious state)\\
prabhuuta = large quantity\\
prabhR^iti = from\\
prabho = Oh Lord\\
prama = greatest\\
pramathapataye = to the lord destroying pride\\
pramadaH = (become) proud or arrogant\\
pramaaNa = authority, an ideal\\
pramaaNaM = example\\
pramaaNakaM = (n) voucher\\
pramaathi = agitating\\
pramaathiini = agitating\\
pramaada = indifference\\
pramaadaH = madness\\
pramaadaat.h = out of foolishness\\
pramaade = in madness\\
pramukhataH = in front of\\
pramukhe = in the front\\
pramuchyate = is completely liberated\\
pramudita = joyous\\
prayachchhati = offers\\
prayataatmanaH = from one in pure consciousness\\
prayatna = excertion\\
prayatnaat.h = by rigid practice\\
prayantu = may go\\
prayaaNa = of death\\
prayaaNakaale = at the time of death\\
prayaataaH = having departed\\
prayaati = goes\\
prayaanti = they go\\
prayaantu = may go to\\
prayu.njaano = combined\\
prayuktaH = impelled\\
prayuktavyaM = should be used\\
prayujyate = is used\\
prayujyet.h = is used\\
prayoga = practice\\
prayogaH = (m) experiment\\
prayogashaalaa = (f) laboratory\\
prayojana = (n) reason\\
prayojaniiyaM = should use\\
pralapan.h = talking\\
pralayaM = dissolution\\
pralayaH = annihilation\\
pralayaantaaM = unto the point of death\\
pralaye = in the annihilation\\
praliinaH = being dissolved\\
praliiyate = is annihilated\\
praliiyante = are annihilated\\
pralobhanaM = allure\\
pravachanena = (instr.sing.)thro' discourse or lecture\\
pravadataaM = of arguments\\
pravadanti = say\\
pravartaka = (adj m) a promoter\\
pravartate = act\\
pravartante = they flourish\\
pravartitaM = established by the Vedas\\
pravakShyaami = I shall explain\\
pravakShye = I shall explain\\
pravaalaaH = twigs\\
pravaasaH = (m) journey, travel, trip\\
pravaaha = current\\
pravaahaH = (m) current, flow\\
pravibhaktaM = divided\\
pravibhaktaani = are divided\\
praviliiyate = merges entirely\\
pravivaasanaM = deportation\\
pravish.h = to enter\\
pravisha = enter\\
pravishanti = enter\\
pravistaram.h = extensively\\
praviiNa = expert\\
praviiNaH = (m) proficient\\
pravR^ittaH = engaged\\
pravR^itti = tendancy, practice\\
pravR^ittiM = mission\\
pravR^ittiH = activity\\
pravR^itte = while about to engage\\
pravR^iddhaH = great\\
pravR^iddhaaH = developed\\
pravR^iddhe = developed\\
pravR^idh.h = to grow fast\\
pravegaH = (m) velocity\\
praveshhTuM = to enter into\\
pravyathita = perturbed\\
pravyathitaM = perturbed\\
pravyathitaaH = perturbed\\
prashaste = in bona fide\\
prashaanta = unagitated\\
prashaantaM = at rest or passionless\\
prashaantasya = who has attained tranquillity by such control over the mind\\
prashaasakaH = (m) administrator\\
prashulkaM = (n) tariff\\
prashNa = Horary Astrology. The word means question or query\\
prashtaraashhTakavarga = Planetary spreadsheet of points used in transits and predictions\\
prashnaM = question\\
prashvaasa = expiration\\
prasaktaaH = attached\\
prasaktaanaaM = for those who are attached\\
prasaN^ga = event, happenning, incidence\\
prasaN^gena = because of attachment\\
prasannachetasaH = of the happy-minded\\
prasannam.h = with pleasant, satisfied look\\
prasannaa = is pleased\\
prasannaatmaa = fully joyful\\
prasannena = happily\\
prasabhaM = by force\\
prasavishhyadhvaM = be more and more prosperous\\
prasahyasaahin.h = he who overcomes the powerful\\
prasaadaM = the mercy of the Lord\\
prasaadajaM = born of the satisfaction\\
prasaadaye = to beg mercy\\
prasaadaat.h = by favour , grace\\
prasaade = on achievement of the causeless mercy of the Lord\\
prasaadhayati = to comb\\
prasaarayati = to spread\\
prasaarita = stretched out\\
prasaarya = (gerund) holding forth\\
prasid.hdhyet.h = is effected\\
prasiddhaH = famous(Masc.nom.S)\\
prasiida = be pleased\\
prasuuti = delivery as in birth\\
prasR^itaa = extended\\
prasR^itaaH = extended\\
prastaavanaa = (f) foreword\\
prahara = Part of the day\\
praharaNa = arms\\
praharaNaaH = equipped with\\
praharati = to knock\\
prahasan.h = smiling\\
prahaasyasi = you can be released from\\
prahiNoshi = you strike\\
prahR^i = to hit\\
prahR^ittaM = ready to strike\\
prahR^ishhyati = is rejoicing\\
prahR^ishhyet.h = rejoices\\
prahlaada = a devotee of Vishnu\\
prahlaadaH = Prahlada\\
prakShaalana = washing off\\
prakShaalayati = to wash\\
praGYaa = (f) intelligence, grasping-power\\
praGYaaM = intelligence\\
praGYaanaM = greater knowledge or awareness\\
praGYaavaadaan.h = learned talks\\
praak.h = a long time ago\\
praakR^itaH = materialistic\\
praaktanaaH = earlier ones?\\
praagalbhya = development, depth, maturity\\
praachaaryaH = (m) principal\\
praachii = (f) east\\
praachiinam.h = (adj) old, ancient\\
praaJNjalayaH = with folded hands\\
praaN.h = life\\
praaNa = Soul\\
praaNaM = the air which acts outward\\
praaNakarmaaNi = functions of the life breath\\
praaNadaNDaH = (m) execution\\
praaNavaayu = a vital air that moves in the chest\\
praaNaan.h = life (always used in plural )\\
praaNaapaanau = up-and down-moving air\\
praaNaayaama = control of the breath\\
praaNinaaM = of all living entities\\
praaNe = in the air going outward\\
praaNeshvara = husband\\
praaNeshhu = in the outgoing air\\
praataH = morning\\
praataHkaala = morning\\
praatar.h = in the morning\\
praataradhiiyaano = morning-studied man\\
praadhaanyataH = which are principal\\
praadhikaaraH = (m) authority\\
praadhikaaravaadaH = (m) authoritarianism\\
praadhyaapakaH = (m) professor\\
praanta = the end\\
praap.h = to obtain\\
praapta = occurred\\
praaptaM = received\\
praaptaH = achieving\\
praaptiH = achievement\\
praapnuyaat.h = he attains\\
praapnuvanti = achieve\\
praapya = achieving\\
praapyate = is achieved\\
praapsyasi = you gain\\
praapsye = I shall gain\\
praamaaNyaM = proof\\
praayaH = mostly, generally, as a general rule, for the most part; most likely, probably, perhaps; abundantly, largely\\
praayojakaH = (m) sponsor\\
praaraMbhaaH = (Masc.nom.S)beginning\\
praaraNachitra = radiography\\
praarabhate = begins\\
praarambha = beginning (more motivated than aarambha)\\
praarth.h = to beg / pray\\
praarthanaa = Prayer\\
praarthayante = pray for\\
praarthe = request, pray\\
praavaarakam.h = (n) coat\\
praasaada = palace\\
praaha = told\\
praahuH = they say\\
praaGYa = wise man\\
praaGYaH = the learned man\\
priya = dear\\
priyaM = the pleasant\\
priyaH = dear\\
priyakR^ittamaH = more dear\\
priyataraH = dearer\\
priyamaNDanaa = (fem.Nom.sing.) fond of decoraing/ornamenting oneself\\
priyavaadii = one who speaks nice things\\
priyaaH = palatable\\
priyaayaaH = with the dearmost\\
priitamanaaH = pleased in mind\\
priiti = and satisfaction\\
priitiH = pleasure\\
priitipuurvakaM = in loving ecstasy\\
priiyamaaNaaya = thinking you dear to Me\\
pretaan.h = spirits of the dead\\
pretya = after death\\
prepsuH = desiring\\
preshh.h = to send\\
preshhaNaM = posting\\
preshhaNaani = postings\\
preshhayanti = post or send\\
preshhayaami = present, post\\
preshhayet.h = present\\
preshhTha = (past part.)sent (thing)\\
prokta = said\\
proktaM = is called\\
proktaH = spoken\\
proktavaan.h = instructed\\
proktaa = were said\\
proktaaH = spoken\\
proktaanyenaiva = proktAn.h + ena + eva:said + this + alone\\
prochyate = are said\\
prochyamaanaM = as described by Me\\
protaM = is strung\\
prauchchaarita = (adj) loud, prominent\\
prhathamaakSharaM = initial (in a name)\\
plavate = to swim\\
plihaa = the spleen\\
phaTaaTopa = (m) expanding of the hood by a cobra\\
phaNin.h = snake\\
phal.h = to bear fruit\\
phala = fruit\\
phalaM = results\\
phaladaa = giver of fruits (rewards , results )\\
phaladiipika = A classical work on Astrology by Mantreswara\\
phalahetavaH = those desiring fruitive results\\
phalaakaaN^kShii = desiring fruitive results\\
phalaani = results\\
phalaanumeyaaH = fruits resembling actions\\
phale = in the result\\
phaleshhu = in the fruits\\
phalaiH = results\\
phulla = open, flowered\\
phenaH = (m) foam\\
phenakam.h = (n) soap\\
ba.ndhanaat.h = (Nr.abl.S) bondage; tie\\
baka = stork\\
bakaH = (m) crane\\
bakulaM = blossom (bakula tree blossom\\
bakulaH = type of tree/shrub\\
bakulaa = (f)pr.n\\
baN^gabhaashhaa = Bengali language\\
baDisham.h = (n) fishing rod\\
bata = how strange it is\\
badarikaa = the jujube fruit (``bora'' in marathi)\\
baddha = caught\\
baddhapadma = having bound himself in lotus-\\
baddhahastashirshhaasana = the bound hands headstand posture\\
baddhaaH = being bound\\
badh = to tie up\\
badh.h = to trap, to tie down\\
badhnaati = to tie, to pack\\
badhyate = becomes entangled\\
bandii = prisoner, detainee\\
bandha = a form of poetry\\
bandhaM = bondage\\
bandhaH = (m) bonds\\
bandhakaH = (m) mortgage\\
bandhapadmaasana = the bound lotus posture\\
bandhana = retriction\\
bandhanaiH = from the bondage\\
bandhaat.h = from bondage\\
bandhu = brother\\
bandhuH = friend\\
bandhuvargaH = relatives\\
bandhushhu = and the relatives or well-wishers\\
bandhuun.h = relatives\\
bandhau = in (towards) relatives\\
babhuuva = became (from bhuu, to become)\\
barham.h = (n) peacock feather\\
bala = strength\\
balaM = army\\
balavat.h = strong\\
balavataaM = of the strong\\
balavaan.h = powerful\\
balahiinena = (instr.sing.) by the person bereft of power or strength\\
balaa = force\\
balaat.h = by force\\
balaarishhTa = Infant mortality\\
balishhTha = strong\\
balii = a demon king\\
basti = method for cleaning the intestines\\
bahavaH = in great numbers\\
bahiH = outside\\
bahu = a lot\\
bahukR^ita = variously done/made-up\\
bahukR^itaveshhaH = various make-ups/roles\\
bahujanasukhaaya = (dat.Sing.) for he happiness of many\\
bahujanahitaaya = (dat.Sing.)for the welfare of many\\
bahuDhaa = (indec.)in many ways or differently\\
bahuda.nshhTraa = many teeth\\
bahudustaare = fordable with great difficulty\\
bahudhaa = in many ways\\
bahunaa = many\\
bahumataM = (n) majority\\
bahumataH = in great estimation\\
bahulaaM = various\\
bahulaayaasaM = with great labor\\
bahuvachanaM = plural\\
bahuvidhaaH = various kinds of\\
bahushaakhaaH = having various branches\\
bahusyaaM = may exist as many\\
bahuudaraM = many bellies\\
bahuun.h = many\\
bahuunaaM = many\\
bahuuni = many\\
baaNa = Arrow\\
baaNaH = (m) arrow\\
baaNapaaNiM = with hand holding arrow (and Bow)\\
baadhate = (1 ap) to obstruct\\
baadhyate = affected, afflicted\\
baandhava = brother\\
baala = child\\
baalaH = young boy\\
baalakaH = boy\\
baalakavii = young poet\\
baalabuddhii = adj. childish\\
baalaa = Girl\\
baalaaH = the less intelligent\\
baalikaa = girl\\
baalikaaH = girl\\
baalonmattavadeva = like a child who has gone mad\\
baalyakaalaat.h = from a young age\\
baashhpavR^itti = the continuity of tears\\
baashhpasthaalii = (f) pressure cooker\\
baahu = arm\\
baahuM = arms\\
baahulya = plentitude\\
baahyasparsheshhu = in external sense pleasure\\
baahyaa.nga = outer appearance, outer body, outer cover, external nature\\
baahyaan.h = unnecessary\\
biDaalaH = (m) cat\\
bindu = dot\\
binduH = (m) point, drop\\
binduu = a drop, a dot\\
bibharti = is maintaining\\
bibhiishhaNashriidaH = the man who gave `shrI' riches etc, to vibhIshhaNa\\
bibheti = fears\\
bibheshhi = afraid\\
bibhyati = is afraid;fears\\
bimbaH = (m) disk, diskette\\
bila = hole (neut)\\
biija = seed\\
biijaM = the seed\\
biijagaNita = algebra\\
biijapradaH = the seed-giving\\
biijaaN^kuranyaaya = maxim of seed and shoot\\
biibhatsa = the sentiment of disgust (nauseating, revolting )\\
biibhatsakarman.h = adj. repulsive worker\\
bud.hdhyaa = by intelligence\\
bud.hdhvaa = knowing\\
bud.hbudaaH = (m) bubbles\\
buddha = one who has known hence the enlightened.\\
buddha = Buddha\\
buddhagataM = having gone to Buddhaor due to Buddha\\
buddhayaH = intelligence\\
buddhi = intelligence\\
buddhiM = intelligence\\
buddhiH = intellect\\
buddhinaashaH = loss of intelligence\\
buddhinaashaat.h = and from loss of intelligence\\
buddhibhedaM = disruption of intelligence\\
buddhimataaM = of the intelligent\\
buddhimaan.h = is intelligent\\
buddhiyuktaH = one who is engaged in devotional service\\
buddhiyuktaaH = being engaged in devotional service\\
buddhiyogaM = real intelligence\\
buddhiyogaat.h = on the strength of KRishhNa consciousness\\
buddhisa.nyogaM = revival of consciousness\\
buddhii = Intelligence\\
buddheH = more than the intelligence\\
buddhau = in such consciousness\\
budbudaa~NkaH = (m) boiling point\\
budh = to know.\\
budha = wise\\
budhaH = the intelligent person\\
budhakaushika = the person budhakaushika\\
budhakaushikaH = budhakaushikaH (the author of this hymn)\\
budhavaara = Wednesday\\
budhaaH = those who know\\
budhaadityayoga = Combination for learning\\
budhiH = mind\\
bR^ihat.h = greater, long, macro, encompassing larger domain\\
bR^ihat.hdR^ishhTitaa = macropsia\\
bR^ihatshirshhii = macrocephalic\\
bR^ihatsaama = the Braahat-sama\\
bR^ihaspatiM = Brhaspati\\
bR^ihaspatiH = the teacher of the Devas called "Brihaspati" literally\\
bR^ihaspatirdadhaatu = Brihaspadi may give us\\
bR^ihaspatii = A name of the planet Jupiter\\
bR^ihaspatiivarshha = The Jovian or Jupiter Year. Cycle of 60 years which starts with the first New Moon in Tropical Aries. Mundane Astrology term\\
bR^ihaspatiivaara = Thursday\\
boddhavyaM = should be understood\\
bodhayantaH = preaching\\
bodhi = enlightenment\\
bodhi = supreme knowledge\\
bodhita = having been taught/enlightened\\
bodhisattva = the one whose sattva essence is enlightenment.\\
braM = (root) to wander\\
braviimi = I am speaking\\
braviishhi = You are explaining\\
brahma = cosmos\\
brahmaM = (Acc.S)the great self\\
brahmacharya = control of sexual impulses\\
brahmacharyaM = celibacy\\
brahmacharyaasana = the posterior stretch posture\\
brahmachaariNau = (2)bachelors\\
brahmachaarin.h = celebates, established in (the persuit of) Brahma\\
brahmachaarivrate = in the vow of celibacy\\
brahmajiGYaasaa = desire to know or understand Brahman\\
brahmaNaH = gen. sing. of brahman\\
brahmaNaa = by the spirit soul\\
brahmaNi = Brahman.h ;God\\
brahmatejobalaM = the power or might arising out of the effulgence of Brahman\\
brahmadaNDena = (Nr.instr.S) the big egg i.e Universe\\
brahmadvaara = the door where kundalini enters the spine\\
brahman.h = the preceptor\\
brahmanirvaaNaM = the spiritual kingdom of God\\
brahmapadaM = the state/position of Brahma/god-realised state\\
brahmabhuH = the earth\\
brahmabhuyaaya = elevated to the Brahman platform\\
brahmabhuutaM = liberation by identification with the Absolute\\
brahmabhuutaH = being self-realised\\
brahmabhuuyaaya = for self-realisation\\
brahmamayaH = full of Brahma (Ananda) i.e.bliss\\
brahmayoga = by concentration in Brahman\\

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